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Question: Examine about the Trumans Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II. Answer: Presentation: The bombs were created by and ...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fashion Journalism and Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fashion Journalism and Scholarship - Essay Example The paper "Fashion Journalism and Scholarship" talks about the fashion Scholarship and Journalism. According to McRobbie, (2013), fashion journalism emphasize on visual information so that the magazine, newspapers and computer writings published by fashion journalists are scarce in written information but have many visual objects used to take into custody of the attention of the audience thus being able to influence them. Therefore, fashion journalism integrates fashion designs and journalism skills to present media information that has the potential to influence people. It also facilitates writing, reporting and criticizing of fashion design aspects. Scholarship of fashion provides detailed information about fashion designs, their purpose and the people to whom the fashion trend is applicable. Thus, unlike fashion journalism, scholarship journalism does not aim at increasing money from the designs by using visual information but provides appropriate details from which consumers are able to make their decisions. Fashion journalism promotes making of uniform decisions because individuals are influenced by what they see in the newspapers, magazines or articles and do not pause to ask its relevance to them while in scholarship journalism individuals have details that enhance proper decision making. In scholarship fashion individuals have to gather information that will convince consumers that their designs are better than others and why so that they are convinced to purchase them.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Performance Measurement in a Post Merger Integration Process Essay
Performance Measurement in a Post Merger Integration Process - Essay Example The objective of any merger is to increase the value of the enterprise which means the there is always an objective that helps the company to come up with such a strategy to merger with another company. This is mostly seen as a long term strategy culminating from inside research in the market as there is not firm which would like to lose its identity in the market as a result of the merger. (ndrade 2001, p. 106; Ronald and Suzanne 2000, p. 5) In the recent past, there have been increasing interest on the issue of mergers. Many people have tried to look at the effect of those mergers in the face of looking who are the real winners and who are the real losers of merger. There have been many studies which have been looking closely into the issue of outcome of the mergers and acquisitions. The outcome of these two processes has been evaluated on many grounds from economic, communication, and other performance standards. (Caves 1999, p. 4; Lipin 2000, p.4) Once we realize that the objective of any merger is to increase the value of the enterprise in the market in order to create a formidable force the can compete effectively with others in the market, it will be easy for us to analyse then how does a merger affect the operation of each firms after they merge. This paper will concentrate on assessing the post merger effects on trust building performance and communication in the new enterprise. It will review various literature and findings that have come from many researches. (Ghosh 2001, p. 13) Outcome of mergers Many studies that have conducted research on mergers and acquisition have basically centred on some of the interesting characteristics of the mergers. They have been able to categorize the effect of merge on three broad classes. The first class consist of measureing performance after a merger based on share price. The second one has categories it on profitability while the class takes in many studied which have used other effect of merger success. (Paul 2002, p. 49) As we mentioned earlier the aim of any merger is to ensure that there is success of a business. This success should not only be measured in term of finical success but also in the degree of integration the two firms. In this regard cultural integration is one of the most important aspects that help the merger to succeed. Whether a merger can be considered a success based on the financial implication depends on many factors including the benchmark that is used to evaluate the merger. Many studies have concentrated on the share price of the firm pre and post merger as a measure of success in themes. This is often based on the confidence the investors will have on the merger. In this regard, the revenue of the firm is used as bench mark for evaluating the success of the firm since the dynamic trend in the share price of a firm will depend on the revenue collection of the firm. (Sitkin 1996, p. 17; Kaplan 2000, p. 243) Based on the financial performance of the mergers, studies that have been carried out shows that 82% of all mergers evaluated have shown success in the share price and economic performance. However it has also been shown that more that 50% of all mergers do not meet the expectations of the investors with majority of them failing to attain the objectives of the new merger. Once a merger is planned, there
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Relations Between EU and BRIC Countries Social Policy Essay
Relations Between EU and BRIC Countries Social Policy Essay BRIC, is an acronym apparent first used in Goldman Sachs investment bank by Jim ONeill in 2001. It contains four largest and fastest growing emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India and China). (Goldmann Sachs, 2003) All the four countries have some common features, as Havlik et al (2009) state, including large territory and population, low income level but fast economic growth. The four countries encompass over 25% of the worlds land coverage and 40% of the worlds population, and they might become among the four most dominant economies by 2050, as ONeill and Stupnytska (2009) argued, it is now possible that China will become as big as the US by 2027 and the BRICs as big as the G7 by 2032. The power base of these actors is their respective region, but in some circumstances their influence may be global. The relationship between the EU and BRIC countries confronts both challenges and opportunities in the aspect of politic and economy which are the follows. Firstly, EU is the biggest world exporter; in imports it ranked second after the USA, while BRIC countries are among the most potential countries. There exists direct conflict of interest between EU and the BRICS, including the lack of results from the Doha Development Agenda indicates and the disagreement on agricultural liberalization and the fear by EU of the strong competitiveness of the BRICS in this area. Secondly, the consequent return to a system of bilateral agreements and FTAs will mean that large WTO members would be able to strong-arm the small members. Thirdly, problematic that the EU continues to patronizing as a major economic â€Å"old†power. Instead the EU should accept and foster more actively the new leadership roles of the BRICS countries. Fourthly, the EU is still to a large degree defined by its defens ive attitude and the BRIC(S) is to some degree perceived as a threat. Fifthly ,according to Leal-Arcas: â€Å"it is not about what, but how you negotiate†. This points toward that the EU should negotiate on a basic of equality, reciprocity and with mutual respect towards its partners. Last but not least, Strategic Partnership Agreements with the BRIC countries. The following section is divided into four parts according to four BRIC countries. Detailed introductions and discussions about the relationship between EU and each country are shown. Brazil Brazil is the 5th largest country by geographical area and 8th biggest in national population in the world. Its nominal GDP reaches 1.6 billion US dollars, ranking the 8th of the world. (Wilson and Stupnytska, 2007) In terms of the relation with the EU, Brazil established diplomatic relations with the EU IN 1960, and the present relationship is governed by three documents, which are the EC-Brazil framework co-operation agreement (1992), EU-Mercosur Framework Cooperation Agreement (1995) and the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation (2004). Brazil is the EUs main trading partner in Latin America. In 2007, EU good exported to Brazil achieves 21.2 billion Euros and imported from Brazil amount to 32.3 billion. Brazil benefits from close and strong economic and political relations with Europe, with the two sides having several complementarities Russia Russia is the worlds largest country with population of 140.9 million. And its nominal GDP is around US$1,6bn, the 9th in the world. Russia signed a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in 1997. The goods it imports from the EU is 105 billion Euros in 2008, and exports to EU account for 173.2 billion Euros, most of which are the energy goods. The relation between Russia and the EU is not easy to be improved because of its contradictory positions among EU members. However, in the may of 2005, the roadmap for common economic space was adopted during the EU-Russia summit. The main issue between the EU and Russia always relates to the energy, gas in particular. India India is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous countryï ¼Å' its nominal GDB reached 1.2 trillion last year India is an important trade partner for the EU and a growing global economic power. It combines a sizable and growing market of more than 1 billion people with a growth rate of between 8 and 10 % one of the fastest growing economies in the world. India was one of the first countries to develop relations with the Union, signing bilateral agreements in 1973ï ¼Å'when the United Kingdom joined. In 1994, the current legislative framework for cooperation, the ‘Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of India on partnership and development was signed which took bilateral relations beyond merely trade and economic cooperation and paved the way for annual EU-India Summits and regular ministerial and expert level meetings. In 2004, the EU-India relationship was ‘upgraded to the level of a ‘Strategic Partnership and 2005 an ‘EU-India Action Plan (revised in 2008) was jointly elaborated to further extend bilateral relations to noneconomic areas (e.g. security policy, education and academic exchanges, cultural cooperation), China China is the most populous state in the world with over 1.3 billion people. At about 9.6 million square kilometers, the PRC is the worlds third largest country by total area In respect of economy, China is the worlds largest exporter and second largest importer of goods. It ranks the third largest economy nominally with the nominal GDP of 4908 billion US dollars. Regarding to the political aspect, China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a member of multilateral organizations as well, including the WTO, APEC, G-20 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The first ‘Trade Agreement between China and the European Economic Community (EEC) was concluded in 1978. It was substituted by the ‘EEC-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement in 1985, which is still in force now. The EU and China have the worlds second most important trade-and-investment relationship (after the transatlantic relationship). The EU is Chinas biggest trading partner. China is the EUs second biggest trading partner and its biggest source of goods imports. European multinationals have poured investment into China and are prominent in east-Asian supply chains (in which China is usually the last assembly stage before finished products are exported back to the West). Such deep commercial relations lead inexorably to commercial and political tensions, as they do in US-China relations. However, a huge trade deficit of EU is a main problem in relation of China and the EU. Currently, the relation between China and the EU is mainly impacted by the following two main issues. One the EU arms embargo (in force since 1989) and related restrictions on European high-tech exports to China. The other is the anti-dumping launched by EU against China. (Goods refer to Textiles, clothing, footwear, metal manufactures, and various low-tech manufactures) BRIC(S) countries in Financial Crisis The four BRIC nations in total produce 14.6 percent of the worlds gross domestic product, and take up 12.8 percent of the global trade volume. Their contribution to the worlds economic growth amounts to 50 percent in terms of purchasing power parity. Since the first BRIC summit was held in Yekaterinburg, the four countries have become prominent driving forces behind the global economic warm-up. The BRIC countries met for their first official summit on 16th June 2009 in Yekaterinburg of Russia, and the second one is hold at Brasilia of Brazil on 16th April this year. These summits, to some extent, contribute to the worlds recovery for the global financial crisis. For example, one week prior to the second summit, China announced plans to invest a total of $50.1 billion and Russia planned to invest $10 billion. In addition, Brazil offered $10 billion to the International Monetary Fund, which was the first time that Brazil had ever made such a loan. Even in the European Economic Recovery Plan, Commission of the European Communities regards the continuing dialogues with key bilateral partners such as the BRIC countries as an important way to help the EU to recover from the financial crisis. Conclusion Despite of the current world financial crisis, the economic of BRIC countries still experience a considerable increase, which induce lots of new opportunities and numerous challenges as well for the rest of the world, particularly the EU. The BRIC countries have some common features, while each of them has different situations that generate different challenges and opportunities to other countries. Take the EU for example, it requires the EU to adopt different policies to each BRIC countries to generate maximum interest for the EU. References Havlik et al (2009), Peter Havlik1 Roman Stà ¶llinger1 Olga Pindyuk1 Gà ¡bor Hunya1 Bernhard Dachs2 Carolina Lennon1 Marcos Poplawski Ribeiro3 Jayati Ghosh4 Waltraut Urban1 Vasily Astrov1 Edward Christie1 EU and BRICs: Challenges and opportunities for European competitiveness and cooperation Jim ONeill and Anna Stupnytska, 2009, The Long-Term Outlook for the BRICs and N-11 Post Crisis, Goldman Sachs Global Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research Global Economics Paper No: 192 Dominic Wilson and Anna Stupnytska, 2007, The N-11: More Than an Acronym, GS GLOBAL ECONOMIC WEBSITE Economic Research from the GS Institutional Portal at https://portal.gs.com Global Economics Paper No: 153
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aerospace Psychology :: essays research papers
Aerospace Psychology 1. The complicated task of piloting an aircraft can be broken into two broad categories. The first is keeping the aircraft flying. The second is arriving at a given destination. The second is always being effected by the first. Unlike a car, small deviation in course can over great distances cause the aircraft to arrive hundreds of miles from the target destination. To successfully accomplish the task, safe arrival, the larger tasks can be sub-divided into three categories. The first is the Procedural Tasks. These are the maintenance task that must be accomplished every time in a certain way at a certain time, i.e. take off and landing checklists. The next is Decision and Judgement Tasks. Problem solving is another way to look at it. The crew will react based on past experience to a given situation. The last is Communications and Resource Management. This is how the crew communicates with each other while problem solving, either poorly or well. 2. The pilot uses visual cues such as rate of flow of texture outward from or convergence of parallel linear features to visually fly the aircraft. Estimates of speed are derived from global optic flow (GOL). This is the rate that texture flows over the optical area. This can be effected by elevation, at higher elevations underestimation of true speed will occur. Approach path distortions occur when there is a slope before the landing strip or other visual features such as dwarfed trees. The human eye is not designed for conditions found in flight. Planes that are a collision course have no apparent movement to them. This takes the natural attraction to movement out of play. Because of the lack of visual stimulation the eye will focus only a few meters in front, so distant objects are unfocused. The scanning of instruments provides a source of input that allows the pilot to visualize the position of aircraft in flight. The novice pilot will scan all the instruments in a given pattern . While the experienced pilot will look at all the instrument that will give them feedback on the action that occurred. Of the main instrument the most useful is the attitude direction indicator (ADI). This is the instrument most referred and the one that most novice pilot will get fixated with. It is also the only one that resembles an aircraft and provides information in a format other than an analog circular dial.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Maguindanao Massacre Essay
Stories and worldwide condemnation of the Maguindanao massacre still grapple the Filipino people in disbelief. Focusing on the victims that include lawyers and journalists in the company of scions of a political clan, the manner of mass execution was the most gruesome, so animalistic, and the most barbaric act of the new century. Fifty-seven of them, men, women, and children were killed and decapitated; bodies were mangled and riddled with bullets. This satanic act was allegedly masterminded by the incumbent mayor of the place, who is said to have been able to command and give orders as he pleases even to the extent of a massacre. The idea of good governance, rule of law of human rights and democracy has hardly been heard in existence in this far-flung poor province in Mindanao. Politicians are motivated to run for public office to absolutely control and influence the civilians and the police. The existing system is heavily politicized making the police underdogs of the politicians. Thus, anybody who wants to seek justice feels the absence of any protection mechanism. Government tried to calm the situation by asking the allegedly mass murderer to surrender; but will his victims get justice? Praying for justice to prevail in this country, Lasallians were called to express indignation to this assault to humanity. Students wore black ribbons on their chest to sympathize with the victims and their loved ones, and to shout and rage against the inhuman act. They lit candles and prayed for peace, and were in one in expressing the gloom and grief the whole country has experienced. We call on the wheels of justice to move swiftly without deception of wealth and power. Otherwise, record of inhumanity of the sadistic, brutal, and cruel Maguindanao massacre may be enhanced when the Government still fails to mete out the punishment for the perpetrators.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Review of Blue Lagoon Essay
The Blue Lagoon Explores the Garden of Eden The Blue Lagoon is often ridculed as a fluff piece of adolescent nudity. However I believe The Blue Lagoon raises interesting questions about human sexuality. How did we discover sex, and what about our sexuality is innate? The movie presents the case of an innocent boy and girl from the Victorian Age, shipwrecked on a beautiful tropical island. They are soon without any adult guidance whatsover. As children, the two are inseparable, but the movie presents a plausible change in their relationship as they start to go through the changes of puberty. They don’t understand the physical changes that are happening to their bodies. And they start to become distant and secretive and angry with each other and they don’t quite understand why. What they don’t realize is that these changes are part of the process of moving apart and developing a separate sexual indentity from each other. Only after we see the steps of this transformation to sexual maturity completed do we see they are ready to discover human’s oldest instinct in each other, which comes naturally to them in time. They then go on to discover the mysteries of parenthood and the psychological changes that come with that. Other themes such as religion and law are explored as well. What keeps this movie watchable is the beauty of the actors and the beauty of the island. The scenes on the lush tropical island and the bright blue ocean are beautifully shot and dreamlike. The natural beauty evokes a Garden of Eden. And this movie seems to try and explore the relationship that might have existed between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, learning about love, sex, and children all on their own. And I think the movie gives it a pretty good shot. The Blue Lagoon is much deeper than people give it credit for.
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