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Truman’s Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Trumans Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II. Answer: Presentation: The bombs were created by and ...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
JAZZzzz essays
JAZZzzz essays Jazz has been an influence in many artist's work, from painting to other forms of music. Jazz is an American music form that was developed from African-American work songs. The white man began to imitate them in the 1920's and the music form caught on and became very popular. Two artists that were influenced by jazz were Jean-Michel Basquiat and Stuart Davis. The influence is quite evident in many of their works, such as Horn Players, by Basquiat, and Swing Landscape, by Davis. Stuart Davis was born in Philadelphia in 1894. He grew up in an artistic environment, his father was art director of a Philadelphia newspaper, who had employed Luks, Glackens, and other members of the Eight. He studied with Robert Henri from 1910 to 1913, made covers and drawings for the social realist periodical The Masses, which was associated with the Ash-can School, and exhibited watercolors in the Armory Show, which made an overwhelming impact on him. After a visit to Paris in 1928 he introduced a new note into U.S. cubism, basing himself on its synthetic rather than its analytical phase. Using natural forms, particularly forms suggesting the characteristic environment of American life, he rearranged them into flat poster-like patterns with precise outlines and sharply contrasting colors. He later went on to pure abstract patterns, into which he often introduced lettering, suggestions of advertisements, and posters. The zest and dynamism of such works as Swing Landscape reflect his interest in jazz, which Davis considered to be the counterpart to abstract art. Davis is often considered to be the outstanding American artist to work in a cubism idiom. He made witty and original use of it and created a distinctive American style, for however abstract his works became he always claimed that every image he used had its source in observed reality. Davis once said " I paint what I see in America, in other words I paint the American scene." Stuart Davis' w...
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 steps to reduce stress and anxiety during your commute
6 steps to reduce stress and anxiety during your commute Commuting to work is a job in itself. There is always an incident that occurs, unexpectedly. Whether we’re dealing with people on the crowded train or stuck in rage inducing traffic, we can all agree that our commute takes a major toll on us. While we may not be able to predict with 100% accuracy what will occur during our commute, we can reduce the stress it inflicts on us by taking calculated precautions. Here are 6 steps to reducing commuter stress.Source [Success]
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Political and Geography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Political and Geography - Research Paper Example The United Nations actively promotes global peace and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (Basu 10). The Body has negotiated peaceful settlements that have ended numerous regional conflicts. This is evidenced by the border demarcations especially in Serbia, Yugoslavia and numerous Asian countries (Basu 68). The body has safeguarded human rights through several declarations and covenants that aim at ensuring protection of universal human rights. In this regard, the Human rights Commission advocates for the rights of women, children, minorities, immigrants and refugees (Basu 99). United Nation bodies, institutions, and agencies such as Economic and Social Council, World Health Organization, and United National Development Program have facilitated economic and social development of the member countries. Financial entities under the UN have facilitated international trade, foreign direct investments and transfer of technology among various countries in the world. United Nations has faci litated several peace keeping missions in African countries such as Burundi, Eritrea and Congo with the aim of ensuring peace (Basu 123). On the other hand, United Nations has suffered several criticisms and challenges. The body has encountered the problem of poor funding and control by the developed nations (Basu 221). The body is accused of being undemocratic since its has not taken actions against Israel which has continued taking unilateral actions against the neighboring countries. Accordingly, the body has lost credibility among African nations (Basu 228). The dependence on industrialized countries for financial support has hindered impartial decision-making of the United Nations Security Council. The Body failed in resolving the Cuban missiles, Iraq nuclear issue and terrorism issues. The Body is accused of failing to implement consensus in policies of dealing with climate change since industrialized countries are the highest carbon emitting nations (Basu
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research about online shopping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Research about online shopping - Essay Example Adoption of this mode of shopping has been a function of multiple factors that the paper seeks to identify. Online shoppers are motivated by increased population in urban areas which makes shopping malls crowded, thus many people prefer ordering goods and services from home. Online shopping has numerous benefits that include convenience, price advantages and also times saving. Selection of goods from a variety and also access to a lot of information that may not be available in offline shopping is another force that motivates online shopping. Most online shoppers have a motive behind their decision to shop online. Large online retailers such as Amazon and eBay began online retailing in 1995 and have developed to accommodate shoppers from all over the world by integrating all the requirements stated above. The University of North Carolina (4) assert that online buying has been marred by problems such as insecurity, lack of privacy, longer waits periods and also no hands on-inspections that are usually more important in purchase decisions. A constellation of these forces act to stall the advancement of online shopping. To enhance online shopping, majority of online retailers are Search Engine Optimized to allow potential clients locate them using the search engines. SEO optimization is a key element in boosting online shopping since most new shoppers locate online shops by searching randomly over the search engines; therefore, making a shop visible is a major step towards encouraging online shopping since more potential clients can locate it. Harnessing customers is a major business requirement. Requirements for participation in online shopping There are several basic requirements for participation and the characteristics of online shopping. According to Luo, Sulin and Zhnag (1132), ease of access to the internet has led to massive changes in the way people shop. Unlike normal shopping sprees, transactions are conducted over the internet. This requirement has bee n boosted by the fact that the world is constantly increasing internet penetration and also the speeds. This makes online transactions faster and efficient. In china for example, most people opt to shop online due to congestion in the shopping malls that usually waste a lot of time. Online shopping is relatively cheap and thus becomes an appropriate avenue through which low income earners can access goods that are highly priced at shopping centers at a more affordable price. In addition, online shoppers have a chance to have their goods delivered to the door after purchase (Li 509). For one to shop online there must be an electronic means of payment. These means of payment are commonly referred to as third party payment systems. The payment systems form a platform through which the buyers and the sellers can exchange goods and make payments without being in physical presence (Luo and Sulin 1135). Such online payment systems include PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, Alipay and Payza. Another requirement for shopping online is that one must poses a computer or any other electronic device that can access the internet. This follows that the user must be literate to use the gadgets. This requirement has been met in most countries through education. Access to information is vital in online shopping. 70% of online buyers are enthusiast youths who have access to more information about new releases of goods and services. In this regard, the first characteristic of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Old Building as Monuments Essay Example for Free
Old Building as Monuments Essay Should we preserve old building as historical monuments? I believe that different people will hold different perspective to this question. In my point of view, a city should preserve the old historic buildings. Being a container of human activity, Building, obviously, is also a reservoir of human history and culture. To some extent, preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations. An old building can insinuate historical events happened in the city. Old buildings, as a symbol of architectural heritage, memorize the significant episodes. Looking at the shabby Rome city, almost devastated temples, demolished palace, it is not hard to imagine the prosperous kingdom of the ancient Rome. We can also acknowledge that these buildings are ruined after the kingdom was vanquished by the enemy. Thus, historic buildings are one fundamental method to learn about significant events in the history. Read more:Â Essay About Importance of Historical Places The old historic buildings of a city would accentuate a citys culture and characteristic. The Kashgar city is the best example; Chinese government has approved a bill of rebuilding the Kashgar old city, which is 1500years old and main heritage of Uyghur culture, a significant culture of Central Asia. Although a new modern city have been built near to the old one, the most attractive place of Kashgar is still the old city, which has many old historic buildings. The people who want to know about Uyghur culture, one of main culture of Central Asia, always go to visit the old Kashgar city. Preserving old historic building means respecting the previous generations. Maybe some old buildings have negative effect on the cityscape or its function, however, with the consideration of respect previous people, we have no right to destroy or substitute them for modern buildings. On the other hand, we have the responsibility of preserving them to our next generations so that they could have the opportunity to know about their predecessors tangibly. Nevertheless maintaining historic buildings needs tremendous amount of money and old buildings are easily destroyed by earthquake, the cultural value of a historical building is worth preserving on economical expense. To learn more about the history, to more distinguish from other culture, for next generations` sake, stop destroying the historic buildings.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Child Called It By Dave Pelzer :: essays research papers
A Child Called It was about the struggles of a young boy named Dave Pelzer. Dave was put through hard times and at some point lost hope in his dreams and doubted the humanity of mankind, but in the end because of his strong will he was able to overcome his problems and make a better life for himself.      When Dave was younger him and his brothers, Ronald and Stan were happy in a normal family with a loving mom and dad, but as years passed things started to change. Dave’s parents became alcoholics. His father never came home and his mother had lost her brightness and love of life, resorting to alcohol to get through the day. She became miserable to live with. Although she became mean to the kids she focused her anger on Dave. At first she would pit his brothers against him or make him do many chores, but soon her meanness turned to hatred towards Dave.      To her Dave was now just a slave and an â€Å"it†she referred to him as â€Å"the boy†. Although sometimes Dave’s father would try to help him or defend him in arguments he would always give in to Dave’s mother. At a young age Dave had to learn how to play games with his mother as a sort of survival tactic to stay alive in his household. Besides telling her child that she hated him and wished him dead Dave’s mother put him through tremendous physical pain and abuse. From a young child till the fifth grade Dave Pelzer had been made to sleep away from the family in the basement in a small army cot. He was starved for days and days on end. His mother longed for any time to severely beat him, it made her day, she would think of morbid things all day to do to him when he got home from school. Among many other things, Dave Pelzer was; stabbed, made to drink ammonia, bleach, and dishwashing detergent, made to sit in a bathroom for hours with many chemicals creating a small gas chamber, put in freezing cold water for hours with just his nose sticking out of the tub, burnt on an open fire on the stove, and made to eat his little brother’s dirty diaper. These were only some of the torturous things his mother could think of to do to her little boy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Drama Homework
The chosen character was Mrs. Johnston, she was a very calm and she cared a lot about her children but she didn't have conditions to have twins so she cited to give one to Mrs. Lyons because she knew that Mrs. Lyons would take good care Of her child and the child would have a good education. ‘ decided to explore the lion because they both have similarities, for example, mothers lion really care about her children.My eyebrows were raised, my mouth was little bit open to show that was shocked my hands were holding the chair very strongly and aggressive because lions are aggressive then I quickly got up and I gave three big large steps towards my partner, because lions have big paws and they are very fast. As a bit louder than her and my voice was bit pitched to show that I was transforming my character into a lion and my eyes were wide open, my eyebrows were raised from the inner sides to show sadness so I grabbed her clothes to show was desperate, I was nearly on my knees.My eye brows pulled downwards towards the inner sides to show anger my mouth was wide open, I quickly stepped away from her because wanted to calm myself but my partner was getting a bit closer to me. Thought that both characters' personality were similar because they are both retroactive and they really care about their children like for example, when Mrs. Johnston gave one of her twins she was thinking about his future and that he would have a better education and I think that a lion would do the same thing just to see their child grow in a better way.Another reason how linked both characters' personality was that they are both brave and strong for example, Mrs. Johnston would do anything so her family can have something to eat even though that she hasn't got a man to help her and a lion would do the same thing just to keep her children fed. The way transformed the animal characteristics into my character was that, a lion has big paws so their movement is big and large so my character ha d to have big Steps and large to show that I was pretending to be a lion.Another way I transformed the animal characteristics was that lions, are loud so whenever I was talking, I was always a bit louder than my partner to show how I was describing the lion. When I was exploring the lions characteristics was acting like a real lion, how they walk, how they attack, how they express their feelings, how protective hey are, how they relate with others etc.. When I was sure about how the lions are, started to act like Northernmost but with a lion personality but in a human body, for example my facial expression was angry to show that I was describing a lion.Another example the steps of a lion are big and large so I had to make the same movement as them but at the same time as a lady. What have noticed from my partner was that she looked a bit dizzy, because she was balancing side to side in a slowly way when she walked. Her facial expression, her eyes were wide open to show that she was paying attention ND I thought she wanted to show that she wanted me to get scared of her and that she wanted me to be possessed because of her eye contact.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cold Mountain
The effect created in the passage from Cold Mountain leaves a profound effect on the reader. The author uses a multitude of connotative diction and specific word choices to describe setting, characters and moods. The mood is set off from the start and flows well into the end. Charles Frazier uses detailed imagery when describing the house, the 3-legged dog, the knapsack and the smokehouse. When describing the house, he mentions that it is slanted, indicating that things are out of balance. The 3-legged dog also signifies an unbalance in the setting.He gives the home â€Å"toadlike†characteristics, describing that it is nasty, slimy and unpleasant. From this description, it gives the reader a mysterious and timid feeling from the beginning of the passage. To further emphasize this feeling, when describing the dog, Frazier explains that’s it comes out of its den like a wild animal and â€Å"snatches†its bone like a wolf. He further elucidates that it is a wild pl ace with savage creatures that dwell within it. Further in the passage, Frazier tells how Inman follows the dog to the back of the house onto the porch.Immediately, Inman begins to rummage around for a gun. He â€Å"thrusts†his arm through a wood stack to find the LeMat pistol. This gives the reader the impression that Inman is very angry, and wants to do something with the gun, such as seeking revenge. While the gun was in Inman’s hand, Frazier explains that it was like a tonic to feel the weight of the pistol. This also gives us an insight to how furious and angrily unstable Inman is. The author proceeds to describe the smokehouse, where Inman in headed to.He describes the bayonet â€Å"stobbed†into the dirt floor, how packed the room was and how there was so much grease everywhere that the flame cast glints off it. This could easily be depicted as a parallel to describing hell in another fashion. Frazier details every action in this scene. For example, he e xplains how Inman steps into the light to be seen purposely, but how Junior doesn’t fully recognize him. The mood given to the reader in this section of the passage is suspenseful, as we know that Inman is furious and has a gun, unknowing of what will happen next.Frazier then tells how Inman instead of shooting and killing Junior, hits him repeatedly with the butt of the gun until he lay motionless. This has a profound effect on the reader giving insight that Inman was so enraged, that he felt the need to physically kill Junior to satisfy his revenge. The mood quickly changes to brutality and malicious. The reader feels a sense of shock due to the viciousness of the murder. Frazier wraps up the passage by describing how the blood gathers in a pool around Junior on the â€Å"black earth†of the smokehouse floor.What can clearly be identified within the text is that Charles Frazier does just about everything perfectly to create the effect that the reader experiences. Fro m the use of connotative diction to the vivid imagery created, Frazier excels in setting the tone of the passage to the reader. The sentence structure that the author chooses sets up the passage by separating up the three main events. Each event leads to the other cleanly and flows seamlessly. Charles Frazier’s style of writing not only leaves an intense effect on the reader, but also manages to illustrate his work using words to make a clear visualization. Cold Mountain On the surface, Cold Mountain is the tale of a man trying to find his way home. However, once looked at in more detail, it is seen as a story of a man looking for faith. From the very first step, Inman’s journey is one of faith, a faith that he has lost in the Civil War and is on the road to recovering. We know little of Inman's life prior to his journey, but what we do learn tells us that he was at one point a Christian. In his youth he had been taught, and he believed in, the basics of the Christian faith. Specifically, he believed in heaven, the immortality of soul, and that we are all children of God. Cold Mountain is the story of a man who has undergone a traumatic experience, the likes of which has stolen away from him all optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. However, as Inman plans to step out the window of the hospital and begin his journey home, his faith in God seems to wither away. The horrors of what he has experienced in the war have â€Å"burned away†(page 36) his Christian faith. He no longer believes in the easy answers to the problems of life given by Christians. His faith is further questioned when he meets Veasey, the preacher who has impregnated his lover and who attempts to murder her in order to cover it up. Even after Veasey is discovered and thrown out of town, claiming to be a changed man through God, his life does not show evidence of this. He goes on to rob a store and sleep with a prostitute. Upon these activities, Inman states that many preachers are just like Veasey. They claim to be able to save the worst of sinners, and yet can’t save themselves. This hypocritical lifestyle was a major contributing factor to Inman losing his faith. Inman's spiritual struggle is not merely a battle with his own inner demons. Inman's main struggle is with God himself, claiming to feel like an abused child of God. In a conversation with a blind man, he was stunned to discover that no person had put out the man's eyes. He had been born that way. He then asked himself, â€Å"How did you find someone to hate for a thing that just was? â€Å". (page 82) Throughout this story, we learn that when faced with situations like this Inman blames God. He holds God responsible for the way things are. For example, when Inman travels through the woods and sees a meteor shower, he is convinced that it has been aimed at him. He looks at any unfortunate situation as a deliberate attempt by God to bring him pain. Throughout Cold Mountain, Inman faces many obstacles that question his faith. Having lost it from the beginning, these obstacles only further convince him that God is not now or ever looking out for him. Only after facing all of these obstacles does he finally find redemption in his faith through the trials of life. Cold Mountain On the surface, Cold Mountain is the tale of a man trying to find his way home. However, once looked at in more detail, it is seen as a story of a man looking for faith. From the very first step, Inman’s journey is one of faith, a faith that he has lost in the Civil War and is on the road to recovering. We know little of Inman's life prior to his journey, but what we do learn tells us that he was at one point a Christian. In his youth he had been taught, and he believed in, the basics of the Christian faith. Specifically, he believed in heaven, the immortality of soul, and that we are all children of God. Cold Mountain is the story of a man who has undergone a traumatic experience, the likes of which has stolen away from him all optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. However, as Inman plans to step out the window of the hospital and begin his journey home, his faith in God seems to wither away. The horrors of what he has experienced in the war have â€Å"burned away†(page 36) his Christian faith. He no longer believes in the easy answers to the problems of life given by Christians. His faith is further questioned when he meets Veasey, the preacher who has impregnated his lover and who attempts to murder her in order to cover it up. Even after Veasey is discovered and thrown out of town, claiming to be a changed man through God, his life does not show evidence of this. He goes on to rob a store and sleep with a prostitute. Upon these activities, Inman states that many preachers are just like Veasey. They claim to be able to save the worst of sinners, and yet can’t save themselves. This hypocritical lifestyle was a major contributing factor to Inman losing his faith. Inman's spiritual struggle is not merely a battle with his own inner demons. Inman's main struggle is with God himself, claiming to feel like an abused child of God. In a conversation with a blind man, he was stunned to discover that no person had put out the man's eyes. He had been born that way. He then asked himself, â€Å"How did you find someone to hate for a thing that just was? â€Å". (page 82) Throughout this story, we learn that when faced with situations like this Inman blames God. He holds God responsible for the way things are. For example, when Inman travels through the woods and sees a meteor shower, he is convinced that it has been aimed at him. He looks at any unfortunate situation as a deliberate attempt by God to bring him pain. Throughout Cold Mountain, Inman faces many obstacles that question his faith. Having lost it from the beginning, these obstacles only further convince him that God is not now or ever looking out for him. Only after facing all of these obstacles does he finally find redemption in his faith through the trials of life.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Carrion Beetles, Family Silphidae
Carrion Beetles, Family Silphidae Look no further than your nearest road kill if you want to collect specimens in the family Silphidae. Carrion beetles inhabit the remains of dead vertebrates, munching on maggots and consuming the corpse. As gross as that sounds, its an important job. Carrion beetles also go by the common names burying beetles and sexton beetles. What Do Carrion Beetles Look Like? Unless you’re in the habit of examining carcasses, you may never come across a carrion beetle. Some species will fly to porch lights on summer evenings, so you may get lucky and find one on your front door. While we might find the carrion beetle’s diet rather distasteful, these scavengers provide a vital ecological service - disposing of carcasses. Most of the carrion beetles we encounter fall into one of two genera: Silpha or Nicrophorus. Silpha beetles are medium to large, oval in shape, and usually flattened. They’re typically black, sometimes with a yellow pronotum. Nicrophorus beetles (sometimes spelled Necrophorus) are commonly called burying beetles, thanks to their remarkable ability to move and bury carcasses. Their bodies are elongate, with shortened elytra. Many burying beetles are red and black in color. Though carrion beetles as a family range in size from just a few millimeters to as long as 35 mm, most species we commonly encounter top 10 mm in length. Silphids have clubbed antennae, and tarsi (feet) with 5 joints. Carrion beetle larvae have elongated bodies that taper at the hind end. Carrion Beetles Classifications Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass - InsectaOrder - ColeoopteraFamily - Silphidae Carrion Beetle Diet As adults, most carrion beetles feed on maggots, as well as on the decomposing carcass they inhabit. The adults’ voracious appetite for maggots certainly helps eliminate competition for their offspring. The carrion beetle larvae feed on the carcass, which would quickly be devoured by maggots without the intervention of the adult Silphids. A few carrion beetle species feed on plants, or even more rarely, prey on snails or caterpillars. The Carrion Beetle Life Cycle Like all beetles, Silphids undergo complete metamorphosis, with four stages of the life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The adult carrion beetles lay eggs on or near a decomposing carcass. The young larvae emerge in about a week and will feed on the carcass for up to a month before pupating. Interesting Behaviors of Carrion Beetles Burying beetles (genus Nicrophorus) practice remarkable feats of insect strength in an effort to beat the competition to the carcass. When a pair of burying beetles comes across a carcass, they will immediately go to work burying the body. A couple Nicrophorus beetles can completely inter a carcass as large as a rat in a matter of hours. To do so, the beetles plow the earth beneath the carcass, using their heads like bulldozer blades to push loose soil out from under the body. As more and more soil is excavated from beneath it, the carcass begins to settle into the ground. Eventually, the burying beetles push the loose soil back over the body, effectively hiding it from competitors like blow flies. If the soil beneath the carcass proves to difficult to dig, the beetles may work together to lift and carry the body to another location nearby. The bright bands of red or orange on the wings of many carrion beetles warn potential predators that they won’t make a very delicious meal, so don’t bother tasting them. There’s something to be said for the old adage â€Å"you are what you eat.†Carrion beetles, after all, feed on rotting flesh, and all the bacteria that goes along with it. Silphids apparently taste and smell like death. Where Do Carrion Beetles Live? The family Silphidae is a fairly small beetle group, with just 175 species known worldwide. Of these, about 30 species inhabit North America. Most carrion beetles inhabit temperate regions. Sources: Borror and DeLong’s Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th Edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. JohnsonInsects: Their Natural History and Diversity, by Stephen A. MarshallKaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, by Eric R. Eaton and Kenn KaufmanA Matter of Taste – The Natural History of Carrion Beetles, by Brett C. Ratcliffe, Curator of Insects, University of Nebraska State MuseumFamily Silphidae, Bugguide.net, accessed November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
There Is No Free or Cheap Government Land
There Is No Free or Cheap Government Land Free government land, also known as claim-free government land no longer exists. There is no longer a federal homesteading program and any public land the government does sell is sold at no less than fair market value. Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLMPA), the federal government took over ownership of public lands and abolished all remaining traces of the often-amended Homestead Act of 1862. Specifically, the FLMPA declared that the public lands be retained in Federal ownership unless as a result of the land use planning procedure provided in this Act, it is determined that disposal of a particular parcel will serve the national interest... Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) oversees the use of some 264 million acres of public land, representing about one-eighth of all the land in the United States. In passing the FLMPA, Congress assigned the main duty of the BLM as the management of the public lands and their various resource values so that they are utilized in the combination that will best meet the present and future needs of the American people. While the BLM does not offer much land for sale because of a 1976 congressional mandate to generally retain these lands in public ownership, the agency does occasionally sell parcels of land when its land use planning analysis determines disposal is appropriate. What Types of Lands Are Sold? The federal lands sold by the BLM are generally unimproved rural woodland, grassland or desert parcels located mostly in the western states. The parcels are typically not served by utilities like electricity, water or sewer, and may not be accessible by maintained roads. In other words, the parcels for sale are truly â€Å"in the middle of nowhere.†Where Are the Lands for Sale Located? Usually part of the original public domain established during the western expansion of the United States, most of the land is in the 11 Western states and the state of Alaska, although some scattered parcels are located in the East. Almost all are in the Western States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. Because of land entitlements to the State of Alaska and to Alaska Natives, no public land sales will be conducted in Alaska in the foreseeable future, according to the BLM. There are also small amounts in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. There are no public lands managed by the BLM in Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. How Is the Land Sold? The Bureau of Land Management sells unimproved public land through a modified bidding process that favors adjoining landowners, open public auction or direct sale to a single buyer. Minimum acceptable bids are based on land value appraisals prepared and approved by the Department of the Interior Appraisal Services Directorate. The appraisals are based on factors like ease of access, availability of water, possible uses of the property and comparable property prices in the area. States Do Offer Some Free Homesteading Land But... While government-owned lands are no longer available for homesteading, some states and local governments do occasionally offer free land to persons willing to build a home on it. However, these homesteading deals usually come with very specific requirements. For example, Beatrice, Nebraska’s local Homestead Act of 2010 gives homesteaders 18 months to build a minimum 900-square-foot home and live in it for at least the next three years. However, homesteading seems to be just as tough a row-to-hoe as it was in the 1860s. Two years after Beatrice, Nebraska enacted its homesteading act, the Wall Street Journal reported that no one had actually claimed a parcel of land. While dozens of people from across the nation had applied, they all dropped out of the program when they began to realize â€Å"how work is involved,†a city official told the newspaper.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Natural Rights, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Natural Rights, - Essay Example In, 'Hanging' George Orwell has drawn a picturesque representation of the last minutes of a condemned prisoner, and also the relief of the authorities after finishing their task of execution. It goes without saying that the executants were executing the orders given by their superior authorities. Submitting without protest in a helpless state doesn't mean surrendering of one person and his will, before another. While his own nationals and fellow men didn't show any sort of sympathy or leniency to the condemned prisoner, George Orwell says that his dog hesitated to part with him during his last moments. George Orwell has put forth a question before us whether law is for man or man is for law If one cannot give life, has he got the right to take it away In Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson has very clearly depicted the denial of natural rights to the American Citizen by the British sovereign. The British king has denied the natural rights of the American citizen, ignored the laws of their land and by self assumed power he was imposing his will and desire over a nation for decades together. The American War of Independence is a red-letter mark in the history of the world and those events will remain engraved in the hearts of millions of people.
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