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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Marketing Literature Review - 11908 Words
Marketing Literature Review This section is based on a selection of article abstracts from a comprehensive business literature database. Marketing-related abstracts from over 125 journals (both academic and trade) are reviewed by JM staff. Descriptors for each entry are assigned by JM staff. Each issue of this section represents three months of entries into the database. JM thanks UMI for use of the ABI/INFORM business database. Each entry has an identifying number. Cross-references appear immediately under each subject heading. The following article abstracts are available online from the ABI/INFORM database, which is published and copyrighted by UMI. For additional information about access to the database or about obtaining photocopies†¦show more content†¦64 (April 2000), 109–121 Marketing Literature Review / 109 dictors for potential online-service adoption; Implications for advertisers.] 7 Using Self-Concept to Assess Advertising Effectiveness. Abhilasha Mehta, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 81–89. [Literature review, Data collection (Gallup and Robinson), Advertising performance by age and psychological segments (adventurous, sensual/elegant, sensitive), Recall, Purchase intent, Brand rating, Commercial liking, Diagnostics, Concept Convergence Analysis.] 8 Consumers’ Extent of Evaluation in Brand Choice. B.P.S. Murthi and Kannan Srinivasan, Journal of Business, 72 (April 1999), pp. 229–56. [Literature review, Model proposal and estimation, Scanner data, Impacts, Price, Display feature, Purchase occasions, Weekday, Store loyalty, Household income, Education, Frequency of purchases, Time availability, Deal-proneness, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 9 Consumer Behavioral Loyalty: A Segmentation Model and Analysis. Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim and P.K. Kannan, Journal of Business Research, 44 (February 1999), pp. 75–92. [Literature review, Scanner panel data, Loyalty-building strategies depend on the composition of a brand’s hard-core loyal and reinforcing loyal base and on factors (marketing mix or product attributes) that motivate reinforcers to repeat purchase the brands.] 10 The Effect of Time Pressure on Consumer Choice Deferral. Ravi Dhar andShow MoreRelatedMarketing Literature Review3985 Words  | 16 PagesLITERATURE REVIEW Table of Contents Page †¢ Marketing as a management Function 3 †¢ Integration of marketing Function 7 †¢ Changes in Business Environment 10 †¢ Marketing Challenges 15 †¢ Bibliography 21 Marketing as a Management Function Marketing as a management function which in its simplest term refers to the basic functions of management namely planning, organizing, leading and controlling (POLC). 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The marketing campaign is called â€Å"share a coke†for the product of Coca-Cola. In addition, this report will analyse the publishing social media and commuity social meida and will consider whether the campaign was successful in trem of two criteria for the analysis of marketing campaign the sales growth and increase in the proximity to the customer. This report will talk with the about Brand
Monday, December 16, 2019
Vietnam A Lower Middle Income Country Of The East Asia ...
Vietnam is considered to be a lower middle income country in the East Asia Pacific region. As of February of 2016, Vietnam has a population of 94.08 and is 1.27% of the total world population. Vietnam’s economy has been growing since 1990 through free trade and programs to develop the economy. The country is transitioning from a developing, agrarian economy to one more urban and industrialized. The country hopes to expand their contributions to the global marketplace from low cost labor and agricultural products to more innovative and higher valued products and services. In 2015, exports were 89.8% of the country’s GDP, while imports were 89% of GDP (WorldBank). To compare, exports were just 36% of GDP and imports were 45.3% in 1990. The currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong. Currently, one U.S dollar is equal to 22, 291.57 Vietnamese Dongs, or 1 Vietnamese Dong is equal to 0.000045 of a U.S Dollar. In 2014, the Vietnamese Dong was undervalued 39% when compared against the US Dollar. (The Economist) Vietnam has had a high and increasing GDP growth rate in the past few years in comparison to the global average (3.7%) (INGWB) In 2012, Vietnam’s GDP growth rate was 5.2% and rose to 6.0% in 2014. This growth is below the growth rate of the overall area of developing Asia, which had a growth rate of 7.5% in 2014. Figure 1 shows Vietnam’s GDP growth rates in comparison to Developing Asia, The United States and the European Union. Overall, the trend is a continual growthShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics, Issues And Trends Of The Region From An Agricultural Perspective1308 Words  | 6 PagesThis report has been conducted on the East Asia region based on the information provided by the universities of Kansas State and Massey. The focus of this report is to identify and describe important characteristics, issues and trends of the region from an agricultural perspective. To provide an introduction and insight first a brief summary of East Asia will be provided. East Asia includes approximately 15 countries, within this there is a population of 1.974 billion people. Of the total populationRead MoreMarket Research Proposal - Infant formula Vietnam1730 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿MARKET RESEARCH PROPOSAL Lecturer: Lukas Parker RMIT International University Vietnam Assignment Cover Page Subject Code: MKTG1254 Subject Name: MARKET RESEARCH Location Campus (SGS or HN) where you study: RMIT Vietnam SGS Title of Assignment: Part A - Market Research Proposal File(s) Submitted: MarketResearch_G1_PartA_Proposal Lecturer and Group number: Lukas Parker Assignment due date: 5/12/2013 Date of Submission: 5/12/2013 Read MoreSwot Analysis Of Vietnam And Grupo Lala1522 Words  | 7 PagesVinamilk in Vietnam and Grupo LALA in Mexico are both market leaders in the dairy industries of their respective countries. 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Growing consumerism in the Asia Pacific countries and eagernessRead MoreExternal Analysis PESTL Analysis1224 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Asia-Pacific and ASEAN region. The important drivers of airline success in Asia is supported by government, most airlines in East and Southeast Asian countries had full or substantial state ownership, management, and control, often subsidized and protected by the governments from competition; with the pursuit of non-business goals, profits were often sacrificed for the sake of national objectives. The political environment in South East Asia for low cost airlines is benign and countries are tryingRead MoreTiger Beer1160 Words  | 5 Pagesit is available in more than 60 countries worldwide including the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various countries in the Middle East, Europe and Latin America. ] Distribution ââ€" ª APB has breweries in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, India, Sri Lanka, Laos and Mongolia. The company has a strong market share in several countries within the Asia Pacific Region, primarily in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea andRead MoreThe Asian Century2170 Words  | 9 Pagesstrategic norms (DPMC 2012).The burst began with Japan in the 50s then by East and Southeast Asian economics as well as some South Asia economies recently. An unprecedented increase in living standards and in income in the region followed. 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BeingRead MoreThe Sky’s the Limit2937 Words  | 12 PagesAirAsia The Sky’s the Limit Question 1 Air Asia was established in 2001 by CEO Tony Fernandes and his three partners. It is an Asia’s leading low fare airline. By using a strong slogan â€Å"Now Everyone Can Fly†AirAsia has successful created its image in passengers’ mind. Gerry, J., et al. (1993, pg 148), SWOT analysis is a valuable approach for AirAsia to review its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, aiming to identify the current strategy of AirAsia’s organization and hence targetRead MoreVietnam Airlines Strategy9313 Words  | 38 Pagesanalysis 5 2.1.1 PESTE 5 Political analysis 5 Economic analysis 7 Socio-cultural analysis 9 Technological analysis 10 Ecological analysis 12 2.1.2 5-force 2.2 Internal analysis 17 Value chain 17 2.3 SWOT 21 2.4 Options 24 2.5 Vietnam Airliness doing 25 III. Recommendation 28 IV. Conclusion 30 V. Reference 30 Group members: * * 1. Ä Ã o Thá »â€¹ Má » ¹ Há º ¡nh BABAIU13076 2. Park Do Hyun BABAUN13080 * 3. Nguyá »â€¦n Thá »â€¹ Hoà i BABAIU13090 * 4. Nguyá »â€¦n
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Cyber-Bullying Has Increased the Bullying Rate to New Heights free essay sample
Cyber-bullying has increase the bullying rate to new heights A seventeen-year old high school student called Rachael Neblett from Kentucky began receiving threatening emails through her MySpace account. The emails were brought to the attention of the principal of her high school. The emails included details of her movements during class and after school activities. Due to the context found in the emails, they were certain that the bully was another student at the school. Rachael received an email stating â€Å"I am not going to put you in the hospital; I am going to put you in the morgue†. Because of the email, Rachael did not want to see her friends or go to school. Shortly after receiving the threatening email, she committed suicide (â€Å"Rachael Neblett†). As you can see with this story, bullying has intensified in the context of social media. What has emerged is the creation of cyber-bullying which is the action of inflicting harm such as: harassing, humiliating, or threatening someone through the Internet or interactive technology. Bullying has been a constant social issue present in daily life and it has intensified to yet larger dimensions due to the creation of the social media. Gone are the days when children, teens, and even adults felt safe at home away from neighborhood bullies. The social media, that is, the Internet has become the new â€Å"playground†for people who bully others. Cyber-bullying has been created by high tech people who have taken over the Internet to harass their peers. The increase popularity of e-mail, text messaging, blogging, instant messaging, and web pages has developed a rise in the vulnerability of people as potential targets. The electronic bullies have the ability to preserve their anonymity by formulation temporary e-mail accounts and pseudonyms in chat rooms, instant messaging programs, and other Internet venues. The individuals who bully using the cyberspace have the ability to hide behind a measure of anonymity. The effects of bullying on those who are targeted are divided into three parts: emotional, physical and verbal. Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness are just some examples of the emotional effects bullying has. The person who is being bullied also may start to have thoughts of suicide because the attacks are too much for them to handle. The person also becomes more reserved and may not want to leave the house or go to school because they do not want to have to continue being bullied by others. Health disorders and complaints are also very common effects that happen to the ones being bullied. They lose their appetite or stress may also create a sense of weakness and tiredness in their body. Another effect we can see is the lowered efficiency in school. Their academic achievement and school participation might decrease. They are more vulnerable to miss or drop out of school. In order to portray the seriousness of this issue, statistics of cyber-bullying in the United States have been made. About 66% of teens who have witnessed online cruelty have also witnessed others joining. Another statistic found is that about 95% of social media-using teens who have witnessed cruel behavior on social networking sites say they have seen others ignoring the mean behavior and 55% witness this frequently (â€Å"Cyber Bullying Statistics†). Cyber-bullying is a serious problem which makes most of its victims think that the best way to end with it is by taking their own life. To counteract this social issue, different solutions have been proposed and formulated in the hopes of ending cyber-bullying. One of the solutions that will best attack the problem is to integrate within schools a special program that teaches children the seriousness of this problem and how to protect themselves against it. Another method that could also be use is the creation of yet more technology to provide a safer environment while people explore the Internet. This solution can generate a system of blocking someone which will make them not be able to send you more threatening emails or chats. Many people only look at the advantages of the social media. They state that cyberspace has enabled people to meet new acquaintances and to communicate more easily with one another. Individuals are not aware that they are exposing themselves to complete strangers. Some people may state that this social issue is not a very serious one but the truth is that cyber-bullying is very prevalent and found around the US and the world. Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber threats online, and only 1 in 10 teens tell their parents if they have been a cyber-bully victim (â€Å"Cyber Bullying Statistics†). Bullying, especially cyber-bullying, is a problem which we have to quickly exterminate. It causes so much damage to children and even older people that did nothing to deserve such hateful acts towards them. The key is to work together to fight against it, and we will more likely be able to eliminate it. People need to be more conscience about the dangers found in the cyberspace. Parents as well as children need to be taught the dangers found in the different media devices. Make a decision now to be a part of a vast amount of people who are trying to stop the bullying issue. If we don’t put an end to it now, in a couple of more years this social issue will become a bigger problem. Work Cited Cyber Bullying Statistics.  Bullying Statistics. N. p. , 2009. Web. 16 May 2013. aaaaalt;http://www. bullyingstatistics. org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics. htmlgt;. Rachael Neblett.  Pure Sight Online Child Safety. Pure Sight, 2010. Web. 16 May 2013. aaaaalt;http://www. puresight. com/Real-Life-Stories/rachael-neblett. htmlgt;.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Art Of Paintball Essay Research Paper free essay sample
The Art Of Paintball Essay, Research Paper The Art of Paintball Whether you playing in a tourney or as a avocation, paintballing is a really fun athletics. It is turning and going more popular every twelvemonth. There are professional paintball squads that play in a wood for an full twenty-four hours. Another manner is playing indoors in a big room scattered with roadblocks. There are many different ways to paintball, this is the best manner for novices Before you shoot your first paintball you need to take into consideration the type of vesture you wear to paintball. A general regulation of pollex is the more embroidering the less contusions. If you are playing in a wooded country, fatigues are an obvious pick, but playing indoors, a twosome of shirts and a brace of denims work really good. It is besides a good thought to have on a brace of baseball mitts with the fingers cut off, because if you are hit in the manus with a paintball it stings. We will write a custom essay sample on The Art Of Paintball Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The same thing goes with a chapeau. There is one thing that you must neer play paintball without. That is a face mask. It needs to cover your full face and include goggles. If you are hit in the oculus with a paintball it will set your oculus out. The first thing you need to make to get down playing paintball is happen a paintball gun and some paintballs. Since the athletics of paintball has risen dramatically over the past few old ages happening these necessities for the game is easy. If you are playing for an drawn-out sum of clip and will be utilizing a big sum of paintballs, so a half of a instance will be a good sum of pigment to get down with. An mean instance contains about two thousand unit of ammunitions, or paintballs. Basically a paintball is a ball with the diameter of a dime that contains pigment. The paintballs come in assorted colourss and keep many colourss of pigment. The exterior is a fictile stuff that is easy broken. You can split a paintball by merely squashing it between your fingers. After you have bought your paintballs, you now need to acquire a gun. There are two basic types of guns used in paintballing, and they merely differ because of their beginning of force. The most common gun is powered by air force. A little armored combat vehicle is filled with air and screwed into the dorsum of your gun. These guns work really good for novices and you get fundamentally the same consequences. The 2nd type of gun receives its power from N. It sounds more unsafe than it is. More force can be put on the paintball with these guns. Since you are a novice you choose an air powered pigment gun. The first thing that needs to be done after you have gotten the basic equipment is load your air armored combat vehicle and put the velocity on your gun. With lading your air armored combat vehicle, all you have to make is link your air armored combat vehicle with another larger air armored combat vehicle and make full it up. The air armored combat vehicle that goes on your gun has a gage that tells you when its full or when it needs to be filled up once more. The following thing you need to make to fix your gun for shot is set the velocity of the pigment as it comes out. The professional paintballers set their guns at least at three 100 pess per second, but novices need to put their guns at a velocity no lower than two 100 and 60 pess per second, because any lower than that would non let the pigment to split on impact. After sleep togethering your air armored combat vehicle back into your gun and puting your gun # 8217 ; s velocity, you now need to lade your gun with paintballs. Si nce you will used between 50 and a 100 paintballs during one game ( the mean game enduring approximately 10 proceedingss ) a holder for paintballs sits on the top of your gun. This holder is referred to as a hopper. It is ever a good thought to get down with a full hopper because it is a really bad thing to run out of pigment during a game. Before you begin to play you need to cognize some basic regulations to beginner paintball. Most of the regulations are common sense. The indoor country is divided into half with a line down the center. On each half, there is a chief roadblock that each squad starts out behind. You can neer traverse or even step over the line that divides the country into half. You will instantly be taken out of the game. You can neer be in the playing country without a facemask on. If the facemask comes even half manner off you must go out the playing country. You can non hit the referees or shoot before the referees blow the whistling. If you get hit with a paintball, yell paint cheque. The referee will come to see if you have been it. Never leave the paintball country without holding a stopper ( a little plastic device that doesn # 8217 ; t let the pigment ball gun to shoot ) in your gun. You should neer hit at the ceiling or anyplace without looking. After cognizing all that it is now clip to play. You must first pick squads. With such a little playing country, a squad of six to eight will be perfect. Now you pull down your mask and continue into the playing country. The first thing you do is travel to your side of the country. You need to do some pattern shootings to guarantee that your gun is working decently, so you take out your stopper and shoot a twosome of paintballs at the floor or wall. Now you are ready to play. The referee asks each squad if they are ready and upon a positive response from each squad they say ready. When the referee says ready that is your cue to acquire behind the chief roadblock and indicate your gun to the wall straight behind the chief roadblock. Equally shortly as the referees blow their whistling you may travel from behind the chief roadblock and get down hiting. You have to be careful to remain low because if a individual from the opposite squad shoots the top of your caput you will be out. You besides can non maintain your gun up all the clip because if you gun gets hit you will hold to travel out every bit good. The first 30 seconds after the referees blow their whistlings there is rapid paintball fire. No 1 normally gets hit though. Now you must strategize. You have to look for motion and the angle of where pigment is coming from. This must all be done without you exposing your place. Sometimes you can see a leg lodging out of a roadblock and shoot at that. It is besides easier to hit person while they are altering roadblocks. Sometimes if a batch of clip elapses during a game, a clip bound is called and no 1 wins. As one squad easy weeds out another, you get an thought of where everyone is located. You shoot toward this way, sometimes a gun will start up and even their caput so you merely fire off, trusting you will hit them. The game eventually ends when one squad is wholly annihilated or they surrender. After game is called, a cheer rises from the winning squad. The squads that were merely playing attempt to calculate out who shot who and where everyone was located at. You besides compare # 8220 ; wounds # 8221 ; . The hurting of being shot by a paintball is non that bad, that is if the paintball explodes on impact. If the paintball does non start on impact, so you are left with a sore topographic point for a twosome of yearss. Even if the paintball does work decently, you are normally left with a contusion, but the hurting leaves after several proceedingss. Playing paintball is a fun avocation. It is a great game for releasing emphasis and tenseness. The downside to paintball is that it is rather violent. Everyone should play paintball one time in their life to make full the epinephrine haste and fight of the game. Its like no other you will of all time see.
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