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Truman’s Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Trumans Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II. Answer: Presentation: The bombs were created by and ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Truman’s Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Trumans Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II. Answer: Presentation: The bombs were created by and with the management of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas McArthur, William Leahy and aide secretary of war John J. McCloy. The two bombs were dropped on two urban areas of Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9 out of 1945, separately. Aside from the permanent scar that the bombs had left on the mankind's history, there has been a long history of bombings. The focal point of this exposition will be the choice of bombarding the Japanese urban communities and whether it was made so as to end the drawn out threatening vibe between the two countries and make Japan give up to the US and its partners in Second World War. Conversation: There is a long discussion with respect to the bombings. Past American president Truman, inside about fourteen days of being confirmed as president, was educated by Stimson, who were the secretary of War around then, that inside four months the most risky weapon would be prepared for use (Herken, 2014). Notwithstanding, Truman was not of the assessment of utilizing the bombs. Indeed, even the researchers in the Manhattan venture were isolated between a camp that wished to utilize the bombs to utilize where it is best and to have a military exhibition in Japan. (Reed, 2014). American government additionally attempted to guarantee Soviet Russia that Germany won't make a strong rebound into the war. The military acquiescence of Japan was important now in the war so as to unite the forces of Western countries. Also, Trumans choice was in a roundabout way influenced by past president Roosevelt heritage that states genuine acquiescence of the foes to end the war. On May 8, 1945, as Germans gave up unequivocally, Americans want for all out triumph in the pacific were developing increasingly extreme. Indeed, even the two countries, America and Japan were having outrageous racial threatening vibe towards one another. Numerous Americans were persuaded that the Jaspanese head Hirohito was the explanation for Japan propelling a forceful war against foes. Japanese additionally exemplified a genuine Japanese soul into ruler Hirohito. In mid-July of 1945, Truman met British secretary Clement Attlee and Soviet pioneer Josef Stalin in Postdam gathering, to guarantee Soviet support in the war against Japan and to remake the eventual fate of Europe with the information on effective testing of the bomb in New Mexico desert preceding going to the meeting (Selden, 2015). At long last, Truman, Attlee and the patriot legislature of china pronounced the aftereffect of Postdam gathering that declared that Japan will confront express devastation except if they give up (Messer, 2017). Students of history have had contrasting perspectives both in help for and against the choice. Some revisionist history specialists contended that the Americans needed Japan to give up before Soviet could make section into the pacific war. Andrew Rotter contended that Truman needed to spare American lives just as win the fight against Japan without negligible misfortune. Thomas Zeiler deduced in the chronicled of post-shelling fierceness that the besieging was done out of military reasons as opposed to political reasons (Prados, 2013). History specialists additionally feel that the greater stun and complete acquiescence from Japan was watched not by the bombings, however when Soviet announced a war against Japan two days after the bombs were dropped (Wilson, 2013). Japanese history specialist Yuki Tanaka said that Soviet would pulverize the deep rooted royal framework and execute the illustrious family. An overview uncovered that 85% among the American residents were on the side of the bombings (Messer, 2017). Despite the fact that the level of Americans dropped to a much lower number at present, just the more seasoned individuals currently adhere to their conclusion in help for the choice. Americans were dreading the forceful Japanese military activities and both the nations were unfriendly towards the others race. Educator of History in Harvard University, Charles Maier contended in a meeting that it would have been exceptionally hard for Truman to legitimize the prolongation of the war, which would have carried an incredible number of setbacks to the American fighters and residents the same, when he was mindful of the atomic weapon available to him. President Truman can never be excused as fretful in taking his choices. He had investigated each alternative at his hand before pronouncing the final offer against Japan. Then again, pressure was working in the military circumstances in both the camps. President Truman did what he could do to make sure about the lives of the American residents. End: Million lives were lost inside a couple of days of the two bombings. Waiting radioactive impacts of the atomic bombs on Japanese individuals caused long lasting serious infections. Notwithstanding the unavoidable conditions prompting taking the choice to bomb, as has been talked about over, the lives of half million guiltless Japanese were placed in lasting hopelessness. In spite of the fact that America effectively finished with a triumph over the Pacific war, the ordinary citizens tragedies were excruciating and frequent them till date. References: Herken, G. (2014).The Winning Weapon: The Atomic Bomb vulnerable War, 1945-1950. Princeton University Press. Messer, R. L. (2017).The End of an Alliance: James F. Byrnes, Roosevelt, Truman, and the Origins of the Cold War. UNC Press Books. Prados, J. (2013). Of Spies and Stratagems.A Companion to World War II, Volume I II, 482-500. Reed, B. C. (2014). The Manhattan Project.Physica Scripta,89(10), 108003. Selden, K. I., Selden, M. (2015).The Atomic bomb: voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Routledge. Walker, J. S. (2016).Prompt and articulate pulverization: Truman and the utilization of nuclear bombs against Japan. UNC Press Books. Wilson, W. (2013). The Bomb Didnt Beat Japan Stalin Did.Foreign Policy.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organisational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hierarchical Communication - Essay Example Thusly during the hour of cooperation there is a need of data stream from both the sides. Anyway the procedure of correspondence can be through collaborating, talking and composing also. The current universe of business is progressively soaked and furthermore the organizations have worldwide nearness. Such undertakings make correspondence much progressively multifaceted. Conveying across outskirts requires sound correspondence capacities that would permit individuals from various regions to help out one another. The correspondence procedure can be separated into 5 measurements. The five measurements are depicted underneath:- International or Unintentional. Verbal or Nonverbal. Inward or outside. Correspondence which includes Humans or Machines. Correspondence among people or gatherings. With regards to the undertaking, just inner and outer correspondence inside the association will be depicted. Inside correspondence alludes to the method of correspondence that happens inside the asso ciation. The correspondence between the workers of an association is meant as inner correspondence. It is additionally imperative to accomplish hierarchical targets (â€Å"Internal communications†). ... The correspondences are:- The inside correspondence Employees: - The Company chiefly utilizes E-mail and fax to impart inside the representatives. The representatives have their modified projects introduced on their PCs, in order to get and send E-sends. Fax is additionally another medium which is by and large exceptionally utilized in the organization. The executives: - In request to speak with the top administration of the association pagers are for the most part utilized. Anyway altered E-mail programs are additionally utilized. Additionally the organization so as to lead crucial gatherings the organization utilizes video conferencing. The outer correspondence In this setting the correspondence happens among the organization and its end clients, wholesalers and providers. The organization in its outside correspondence procedure utilizes different methods, however stays straightforward about the contributions. So as to depict the contributions the organization utilized the advancem ents from the organization is essentially TV notices and other exchange and purchaser plans. Clients: - In request to legitimately speak with the clients the organization sends direct E-mail from the client data database. Wholesalers and Suppliers of Coca Cola: - In this regard the organization utilizes fax and video conferencing strategies. Presently on account of Pepsi, the inside and outside correspondence additionally assumes a significant job towards the accomplishment of the organization. In regard with its interior correspondence, the organization primarily utilizes E-mail and furthermore utilizes verbal correspondence. So as to speak with the interior workers the organization primarily utilizes gatherings to impart data inside the colleagues. The outside specialized technique for Pepsi is practically like that of Coca cola. Pepsi likewise utilizes TV promotions
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Arachibutyrophobia or Fear of Peanut Butter
Arachibutyrophobia or Fear of Peanut Butter More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Arachibutyrophobia is actually not the fear of peanut butter as an object, but the situation of having it stick to the roof of your mouth. It is often rooted in a more generalized phobia of choking (pseudodysphagia) or of sticky textures, but it may also occur alone. Its not uncommon to have more than one phobia or to misdiagnose your condition without professional help. Like all phobias, arachibutyrophobia varies in severity from person to person. For instance, some people are able to consume small quantities of peanut butter, perhaps as a dip for vegetables, while others are afraid to eat peanut butter at all. In some cases, the fear extends to other peanut products, from peanut butter ice cream to peanut sauces. Here is an example patient scenario: Jennifer was reluctant to eat peanut butter after nearly choking on a large, sticky, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When she began to avoid peanut sauces as well, Jennifers therapist diagnosed her with arachibutyrophobia. Peanut Allergy May Be the Trigger On the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions list of the eight foods a person is most likely to be allergic to, peanuts are listed (along with tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, milk, eggs, and wheat). While being afraid of having peanut butter stuck to the top of your mouth might seem like an unusual thing to be fearful of, the prevalence of peanut allergies and how serious they can be makes it clear why this phobia exists. As you can trace many specific phobias back to a traumatic incident in the past, seeing someone have an allergy attack as the result of eating peanut butter as a child, maybe at school or daycare, can have a long-lasting effectâ€"and be the trigger behind someones arachibutyrophobia. On the other hand, you might be able to trace your fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth to choking on it as a child, although you might have been too young to remember it now. Or you may have seen someone choking on it on television. Choking on peanut butter is actually quite common. In fact, according to a report on adults and children with developmental disabilities in New Jersey, sandwiches were the leading cause of choking incidents, with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich involved in the majority of cases. Treatment Arachibutyrophobia falls under the umbrella of specific phobia and is highly treatable through cognitive behavior therapy methods. This type of therapy focuses on ameliorating your phobic reaction by helping you learn new patterns of behavior and thinking. Depending on the severity of your phobia, successful treatment can take as little as one to three sessions. Of course, some people simply avoid eating peanut butter. Remember too, treatment for a specific phobia is only needed when that phobia causes a person distress and/or an impairment in their everyday functioning. Treatment for a specific phobia is only needed when that phobia causes a person distress and/or an impairment in their everyday functioning.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee - 1708 Words
The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee ReMotion is a project created by D-Rev (Design Revolution), a not for profit organization working in third world countries, which creates and supplies prosthetic knees to amputees living on under $4 a day (Krista Donaldson, 2013). One of the company’s major constraints when designing the knee revolved around creating a product that performed at a standard equivalent to the high end prosthetic knees, but at a cost that was affordable and allowed for mass production. The project has been running since 2009 (Krista Donaldson, 2013) and over five and a half thousand amputees have since been fitted with the ReMotion knee, with the third version being made publicly available mid 2014 (‘A Cheap Prosthetic Knee For†¦show more content†¦It can also involve making sketches of a product, recording data, computing that data to ensure it matches with specifications, analyzing results and writing reports. Designing products is additional part of the specific engineering disci pline. This however is likely to a small component compared to the testing and eliminating of production problems aspect. Major decisions would have to be decided on and resolved throughout the process of designing and implementing the knee. Part of D-Rev’s design ideal revolved around creating a high-end prosthetic knee that could be produced at a lower cost. Previous cheap alternatives for prosthetic joints and limbs greatly traded efficiency for a lower cost. While D-Rev would have aimed to avoid this trade-off between quality and cost, it is likely to remain imbalanced. Of course, the quality could have been lifted to a higher standard, but the cost would have been raised too, thus defeating their purpose of making a quality and cheap product. Another major decision revolved around maintaining quality with a simplistic design. By keeping everything straightforward, it allows for easy fitting and repairing of the joints without extensive training. While this may decrease the quality, it increases the practically as it takes lower qualifications to fit the product to the amputee and can easily occur in their home country. The
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Persuasive Speech on Recycling
Can I Make the World Better? You wake up and have breakfast of yoghurt in a plastic bottle, and some food in plastic wrap. Then the bottle and the wrap go into the bin. After this, you clean your room and throw away all the old handouts, as you like your desk to be neat and tidy. It takes not more than half an hour, but this time is enough for ten trees to be cut down as well as one hundred plastic bottles and more than one thousand meters of plastic wrap to be produced. Unfortunately, it will take more than one hundred and fifty years for a new tree to grow and for a single plastic bottle to dissolve. The solution is recycling. Substitute plastic with recyclable materials and use paper, metal and glass efficiently and you will contribute greatly to the creation of sustainable environment. I can foresee several arguments due to which you can object to recycling, but if given a bit of consideration, they will prove to be groundless. Recycling procedures are tiresome and difficult to remember, arent they? Not a bit. There are several simple sorting rules that you will learn as soon as you start following them. Is a little mental effort not worth making if it means you do something important for the whole planet? â€Å"Buying food in recyclable packaging is more expensive†, you will contradict. No, it isnt. When you bring bottles to a bottle bank, you get your money back and actually save, helping the environment. Many supermarkets also introduce environmentally friendly schemes, selling food in cartons at reduced prices. All you have to do is a little research to find the right shopping place. Recycling is the way to help our planet and save it for next generations. And this is something that each of you can do. Just try and you will see the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146 Free Essays
SONNET 146 Poor soul, the center of my sinful earth, Lord of these rebel powers that thee array, Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth, Painting thy outward walls so costly gay? Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? Shall worms, inheritors of this excess, Eat up thy charge? is this thy body’s end? Then soul, live thou upon thy servant’s loss, And let that pine to aggravate thy store; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And death once dead, there’s no more dying then. Sonnet 146, as in all Shakespearean sonnets, exemplifies the importance of poem structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Following the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, this English sonnet (now called Shakespearean), distinguishes its author by the format in which it follows. Consisting of a total of fourteen lines, this body of this poem contains three quatrains and ends with a rhyming couplet. Not only does Sonnet 146 encompass all the necessities of a Shakespearean sonnet, it also displays William Shakespeare’s mastery in his use of control of language, tone, and meaning that is portrayed to the reader. In the opening of the poem, in quatrain one, we see the speaker as he wrestles with his own personal conflict between the spiritual and material state that he has found himself in. For here in this Shakespearean sonnet, the speaker addresses not a friend, lover, or mistress – only his own â€Å"poor soul†that has suddenly been placed at the center of his â€Å"sinful earth†(line 1). The speaker reprimands his soul for spending so much on its â€Å"outward walls†(line 4). In quatrain two, the poet asks the question of why so much effort is put into the investing of the things that are temporary: â€Å"Why so large cost, having so short a lease†(line 5). For at death, only worms will inherit the costly excesses. In quatrain three, the speaker concludes his argument by warning his soul to use the body as â€Å"thy servant†(line 9). Let the outside wither -â€Å"pine†- so that the inner soul can prosper -â€Å"aggravate thy store†(line 10). In conclusion, the rhyming couplet shows us the speaker’s only solution to this inevitable fact of life – death. The soul needs to prepare itself for when the time comes and it must face death. For the soul can outlive the body, and even conquer death, as we see in line 13 and 14: â€Å"So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men / And Death once dead, there’s no more dying then. â€Å" This sonnet is one of few written by Shakespeare that reflects a more religious tone, as the words sinful, divine, and soul are present. What an interesting insight this provides to the reader about the writer’s own potential internal struggle with morality. For just as the speaker asserts here in this poem, so too us true for us in our own Christian faith – that when we focus on the body (the temporary) by allowing ourselves to worry over the adorning of it, then we do so at the expense of our soul (the eternal). How to cite Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Financial Analysis & Business Valuation-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Recast the Financial Statements in Standardised format. 2.What accounting policies of Qantas are likely to be closely monitored by analysts? Why? 3.Note 22(b) details Operating Lease Commitments entered into by Qantas. Following the process outlined in Chapter 4, prepare a worksheet identifying Accounting adjustments on the assumption that these lease commitments are to be capitalised Answers: 1.Standardized Balance Sheet: Standard classification Typical line items Amount $M Standard classification Typical line items Amount $M Assets Liabilities and equity Cash and Marketable Securities Cash 1,980 Current debt Trade receivables Accounts receivables 795 Trade payables Accounts payables 1,986 Inventory Inventory 336 Other current liabilities Revenue received in advance 3,525 Interest-bearing liabilities 441 Other current assets Other financial assets 229 Other financial liabilities 203 Others 101 Provisions 873 Assets classified as held for sale 17 Non-current debt Non-current tangible assets Plant, property and equipment Land 11,670 Deferred tax liability Non - current intangible assets Non - current intangible assets 909 Other non-current liabilities Revenue received in advance 1,521 Deferred tax asset 39 Interest-bearing liabilities 4,421 Other financial liabilities 61 Other non-current assets Investments 197 Provisions 414 Other financial assets 46 Minority interest 5 Receivables 134 Other 252 Shareholders' equity Issued capital 3,625 Treasury shares (50) Retained earnings (100) Reserves (220) TOTAL 16,705 TOTAL 16,705 Standardized Income Statement: Standard Classification Typical Line Items Amount Sales Revenues 16,200 Cost of Sales Manpower and staff related (3,849) Fuel (3,250) Selling, general and administrative (SGA) expenses Other operating expense Amortisation of intangibles (1,224) Aircraft operating variable (3,362) Non-cancellable aircraft operating lease rentals (461) Other (2,411) Net interest expense (income) Finance costs (284) Interest income 65 Investment income Other income Transfer of hedge reserve to the Consolidated Income Statement, net of tax 198 Net changes in hedge reserve for time value of options, net of tax 35 Foreign currency translation of controlled entities 2 Foreign currency translation of investments accounted for under the equity method 24 Other expense Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of tax (187) Recognition of effective cash flow hedges on capitalised assets, net of tax (40) Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for under the equity method (2) Defined benefit actuarial (losses)/gains, net of tax (209) Tax expense Income tax expense (395) Net comprehensive income for the period 850 Standardized Cash Flow Statement: Standard classification Typical line items Amount Operating cash flows (other than net finance costs) Under the direct method: Cash from customers 17,723 Payments to suppliers (14,600) Cash payments to employees for redundancies and related costs (90) Cash payments to employees for wage freeze bonus (53) Dividends received from investments accounted for under the equity method 4 Income taxes paid (2) Investing cash flows Payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,618) Payments for investments accounted for under the equity method (39) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 509 Net loan repayment from investments accounted for under the equity method 27 Aircraft operating lease refinancing (778) Interest paid and capitalised on qualifying assets (24) Net interest cost Interest received 64 Interest paid (227) Net debt issuance(net of repayments) Repayments of borrowings (807) Net receipts/(payments) for aircraft security deposits and hedges related to debt 62 Dividends Cash dividends paid on ordinary shares Net issuance of shares (net of repurchases) Payments for capital return (505) Payments for share buy-back (500) Payments for treasury shares (75) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Flow (929) Cash Cash Equivalent at the beginning of the year 2,908 Effects of Exchange rate changes on cash Equivalent 1 Cash Cash Equivalent at the end of the year 1,980 2.The following accounting policies of Qantas should be monitored very closely: a) Dividend Policy, b) Risk Management Policy, c) Inventory Policy, d) Foreign Exchange Policy 3. Adjustment Worksheet: Assets = Liabilities + Equity Adjustments Current Assets Non-Current Assets Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Net Income OCI Retained Earnings Other Equity 1 2,245 = 2,245 2 (427) = (427) 3 = 523 (523) 0 1,819 = 523 1,722 0 0 (427) 0 4 = (554) 554 5 = 163 (163) 6 = 165 (165) 0 1,819 = 523 1,722 (226) 0 (200) 0 7 63 = 63 0 Total 0 1,882 = 523 1,722 (163) 0 (200) 0 Reported 3,458 13,247 = 7,028 6,417 1,029 (179) (950) 3,360 Adjusted 3,458 15,129 = 7,551 8,139 866 (179) (1,150) 3,360 Workings: Computation of Discount Rate: Particulars Amount Amount Interest Expense 284 Interest Bearing Liabilities: Current 441 Non-Current 4421 4862 Discount Rate 5.84% Determination of Total Operating Lease: Particulars Aircraft Engines Non-Aircraft Total Spread Not Later than one year 366 188 554 554 Later than 1-5 years 952 503 1455 291 Later Than Five Years 187 187 Later than 5-10 years 320 320 64 Later than 10 years 367 64 TOTAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS 1505 1011 2883 973 Period Lease Payments Discount Rate Present Value 1 554 5.84% 523.4256 2 291 5.84% 259.7666 3 291 5.84% 245.4305 4 291 5.84% 231.8855 5 291 5.84% 219.0881 6 419 5.84% 298.0472 7 315 5.84% 211.7029 8 128 5.84% 81.27769 9 128 5.84% 76.7921 10 128 5.84% 72.55406 11 47 5.84% 25.17067 Total Lease Payments 2883 2245.141 Asset-to-Liabilities Ratio 81% Leased Asset 1818.564 Bibliography: Damodaran, A. (2016).Damodaran on valuation: security analysis for investment and corporate finance(Vol. 324). John Wiley Sons Masari, M., Gianfrate, G., Zanetti, L. (2014).The Valuation of Financial Companies: Tools and Techniques to Value Banks, Insurance Companies, and Other Financial Institutions. John Wiley Sons Mohammad, A. N. (2016). Valuation Tools for Determining the Value of Assets: A Literature Review.International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences,6(4), 63-72 Sadler, A., Daghestani, A., Payne, B. C. (2016). A Risk Return Profile and Ranking of the Determinants of the Enterprise Multiple.Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal,20(1), 93. Van Deventer, D. R., Imai, K., Mesler, M. (2013).Advanced financial risk management: tools and techniques for integrated credit risk and interest rate risk management. John Wiley Sons
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Bioinformatics Lab Report free essay sample
Using a cladistic approach, we constructed a hypothetical phylogenetic tree of many different plant taxa by comparing their morphologies. We first decided to sort the various types of plants into groups based on morphological features. After sorting these plants into five different groups we began to determine how the plants differed from eachother in the group and what features set them apart. From this we started to create the hypothetical tree and decided to put aquatic plants at the start of the tree, as its most commonly believed life orginated in the ocean. We then put the other plants into various categories on the tree based upon the morphologies that set them apart from the others. A comparison of the hypothetical phylogeny and the calculate phylogeny: Many of the plants we put into groups using the cladistic approach were similarally matched from the phenetic approach. From our hypothetical tree we had one main branch and then subdivided the plants into five various groups. We will write a custom essay sample on Bioinformatics Lab Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the calculated tree it had two main branches and many subdivided categories for the various morphologies. Most of the groups we used to seperate the plants from morphological features when creating the hypothetical tree could still be applied for grouping methods in the calculated tree (such as whether the plants were aquatic, could produce flowers, etc ). The only two plants that we mistakenly grouped together (from the cladistic approach) was Polypodium and Equisetum believing they both had spores and put them in the same group. However this was not the case and using the phenetic approach we could follow it back and see that Polypodium is land based and that Equisetum is water based and that both were in their own groups. Cladistic vs. Phenetic approach (advantages and disadvantages): One of the main advantages of using the cladisitic approach is that it can asily be created just by the sorting of various morpoholigcal features and can give a quick sketch for recreating pylogenies. However from this approach it can be prone to any errors made and is not as accurate as the phenetic approach. The main advantage of the phenetic approach lies in its accuracy and can more accurately sort organisms into groups based on data for their phylogenies. The disadvantage from this is that it requires alot of data and can not be as easily produced in the field like the cladistic approach.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Use Of Dialectic To Define Justice Essays - Philosophy
The Use Of Dialectic To Define Justice Essays - Philosophy The Use Of Dialectic To Define Justice Through the use of Socratic dialogue, Plato has an advantage at obtaining answers by refuting other philosophers. Plato is able to achieve an answer to the question, what is justice. He derives this answer through an analogy of the ideal city. The ideal city parallels the concept of the ideal person as Plato uncovers with the aid of dialectic. Plato defines justice as a function of harmony, which must first be achieved in an individual before being extended to the city. Speaking through Socrates Plato defines justice as a philosophical understanding of excellence in the organization of society and human soul. In book IV Socrates refutes the notion that justice is visible, while using the Socratic method of dialogue. He questions that justice is the virtue that has no physical representative. Through the state, Socrates inferred that justice can be understood as opposed to being seen. In order to grasp the concept of the ideal city or the happy state one must first analyze its components. Plato does this with dialectic. Then he questions that each individual is a member of one of three groups: Rulers, Guardians, and the Producer class. Each one of the specifications of labor 2 within the kallipolis accompany a chief characteristic. The rulers were considered to have wisdom as their virtue. People chosen to be a ruler exhibited a special knowledge for leading the state. In the kallipolis rulers make their judgment for the happiness of the state as opposed to their own individual happiness. Is there some knowledge possessed by some of the citizens in the city?that does not judge about any particular matter but the city as a whole and the maintenance of good relations both internally and with other cities?(pg.104,428d) The next virtue, Plato discovers through the Socratic method, was courage. This power to preserve through everything correct and law-inculcated belief about what is to be feared and what isn't is what I call courage.(105,430b) This virtue resided mainly in the guardians. Each soldier was trained from their childhood about what to fear and what not to fear. Courage was apparent in the soldier? beliefs in the state laws as well as doing whatever was necessary to protect the state. Through the Socratic method, Plato makes an analogy of the soldiers to poorly dyed wool, stating that a soldier will never present a ridiculous and washed out appearance. The next virtue, moderation, Plato discovered through the Socratic method was needed in every member of the kallipolis, but he divulged that it was the attribute of the 3 producer class. Unlike courage and wisdom... Making the city brave and wise respectively, moderation spreads throughout the whole.(pg.107,431e) Moderation was necessary for each class, especially this one since the craftsmen are considered the appetites of kallipolis. Through dialogue with Glaucon, Plato concludes that producers were moderate; guardians were moderate and courageous; and the rulers were moderate, courageous, and wise. After Socrates has found the other three virtues in the kallipolis, he then moves on to justice. Socrates felt that justice was the virtue that was left over. Justice was an understanding in the kallipolis of each individual performing their job without interfering with that of another. Socrates placed the other three virtues first and as a result he arrived with the conclusion that justice or morality is achieved through a harmony of the others. Therefore Socrates defined justice as a function of wisdom, courage, and moderation all working together to produce the best for the state. Justice was considered as the harmony of the city as well as an individual. Socrates felt that through examining the state and its parts he could discover justice in the individual. Each individual was as the state, with three different parts: 4 mind, body, and spirit. The mind acted in each individual as a ruler. The virtue of the mind was wisdom just as the ruler of the state. Courage is also found in the soul of the individual in the form of the spirit. The spirit acts as the guardian of the soul just as the soldier does for the city. And isn't in the individual courageous in the same way and in the same part of himself
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Critical Incidents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Critical Incidents - Essay Example Tutors are trained to handle the student population regardless of the high demands in the field (Tripp, 2012). Over the years, theories and case studies have been created to understand the challenges faced by tutors in the field. Some cases and incidences have been regarded as critical depending on the seriousness of the case. A critical teaching incidence is referred to incidences that significantly affect the teaching practice and influences a large population of the teaching practice (Oatey, 2002). Thesis This paper will analyze three different critical incidences. The paper will first include a case study that would explain each of the three critical incidences. The case study will include the reaction of both the tutors and the students. Additionally, the paper will analyze each case study with theories relating to the particular incidence. Critical incidence I: Trust between a teacher and a student based on student behaviour I have a student, student J, who constantly lies abou t what other children are doing. She spies on them all the time, almost most of the time I can tell she is bending the truth. I know brush of what she is saying and if other children complain about her lying, I usually just expect her to be telling a lie, I don’t usually take her word for anything without a witness. In this particular case, the tutor has a judgmental personality toward the student. In a normal scenario a tutor is not supposed to create an assumption on a student based on their past behaviour. In this case, the student has a weakness where they have to tell a lie about other students. This is a normal student weakness in an institution setting. In an argument by Gremler (2004) a student in an academic institution has at least a 5% probability of lying. This is a normal occurrence and characteristic in students that a teacher should focus on eliminating rather than creating judgment based on the behaviour. In this case, student J has a weakness of creating nega tive perceptions
Monday, February 3, 2020
Political Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Political Economy - Assignment Example In the first game, player 1’s best response is in UL where he gets 3 pay offs. This is his best response since 3>2. At the same instance, player B has his best response of 4 playoffs (4>3 and 3>2).In the first game, player 1’s best response is in UL where he gets 3 pay offs. This is his best response since 3>2. At the same instance, player B has his best response of 4 playoffs (4>3 and 3>2).In the second game. At the same point (UL), both players have their best responses. For player 1, 3 playoffs (3>2) while for player 2, 4 playoffs (4>0).Nash equilibrium exists when player 1’s best response is the same as that of player 2. At (UL), both players have their best responses.The Condorcet loser in the elections is candidate C. The results indicates that his percentage preference in orderings (CAB and CBA) are 25% (24% +1%). This is the lowest since that of candidate B is 33%.a. In a plurality formula the candidates would get their votes as A (15000); B (15500); C (1 4500); and D (5000). This is the sum of all the votes where each of the candidates is preferred over the rest.  Candidate B would be favoured by the system and win with 15,500 votes. As shown by the figures, candidate A would be the runner-up with 15,000 votes.b. Runoff system.Total votes cast in the election are 50000. Therefore, none of the candidate makes it 40% of the votes (20,000). In a runoff, candidates A and B will be considered. Dropping candidate C would give 3500 votes to A, and 2500 to B as the second ranked. Dropping candidate D will then give 1500 votes to A, and none to B in the same way.The system will therefore favour candidate A, who will be the winner with 15000+3500+ 1500 votes. A total of 20,000 votes.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effect of Wi-fi Radiations on Sperms in Vitro
Effect of Wi-fi Radiations on Sperms in Vitro SPERM DNA FRAGMENTATION AND ROS. Omkar Pokharkar, Himanshu Patel, Vidisha Bhatt . ABSTRACT: All around the globe, studies are conducted to determine the effect of Wi-Fi on the quality of sperms both in vivo and in vitro. To determine the level of damage to the sperms in vitro, sperm chromatin dispersion test along with semen analysis was performed to map the motility, vitality, morphology and also the fragmentation in the sperms which are exposed and which are not exposed to radiations emitted by Wi-Fi. It was found after exposing sperm samples to Wi-Fi for long durations in a closed cabin placing sperm samples near Wi-Fi router can affect sperm quality to a great extent, reducing motility of sperms and causing DNA fragmentations in sperms. And unexposed samples were in better condition both in terms of motility and fragmentation. This study proved the ill effects of using Wi-Fi on laptops and mobiles on sperms in vitro. Keywords: Sperms, in vitro, fragmentation, DNA, motility, vitality, Wi-Fi radiations, ROS. INTRODUCTION: Wi-Fi radiations from laptops and mobiles can impair or damage sperms. Motility of the sperms are said to be reduced due to prolong exposure of sperms to radiations emitted by Wi-Fi (Wireless fidelity). This study was carried out to verify that radiations affect sperm motility and damages the DNA causing fragmentation. This experiment is to note the motility, vitality and levels of DNA damage after exposing sperm samples to Wi-Fi for certain period of time. DNA fragmentation is a way to accurately map the sperms with fragmented and non fragmented DNA. Sperms with fragmented DNA disperse no halos and sperms with non fragmented DNA disperse big halos and degrading sperms show small halos. If the radiation from Wi-Fi affects motility, vitality and DNA of spermatozoa it would be revealed after performing standard semen analysis according to the criteria set by WHO[1] and Sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: For this type of study semen samples from 12 fertile men with no recent history of illness aged 22-29 were obtained in wide mouthed collecting jars during the period of sexual abstinence of 3 days. Each of the 12 Sperm samples were washed by swim up method which has high rate of success in obtaining viable sperms, for removal of debris and dead or immotile sperms and only motile sperms were used. This was to make sure that before exposing the samples to Wi-Fi there were all live sperms with good motility and no pre dead or immotile sperms were present to map accurate changes due to radiations. All 12 samples were subjected to semen analysis as per the criteria of world health organization. Motility, vitality, morphology, and ph was observed and noted down [1], this was done before exposing sperms to radiations. These results were compared to the results obtained after radiation exposure. Motility was calculated by using a formula: 100 X (number of motile spermatozoa)/ (total number o f spermatozoa counted). More than 400 spermatozoa per ejaculate were evaluated for estimation of motility. Each 12 Sperm samples were divided in 3 aliquots of 0.5 ml each and out of three aliquot, 2 aliquots were exposed to Wi-Fi radiations for different periods of time, 1st aliquot was exposed to radiation for 1 ½ hour and second aliquot was exposed for 3 hours. These 2 aliquots were labeled as test and one aliquot was considered as control sample and was kept in different room to avoid any radiations or other factors which would influence sperms. The 0.5ml aliquots of sperm samples were placed in tubes. After exposure of Wi-Fi radiations to sperms the motility, morphology, vitality and ph was observed again and results were recorded. The results from pre exposure and post exposure of sperms to radiations were compared later. The samples were exposed to radiations by keeping the samples in a closed cabin near the router of the Wi-Fi and several laptops and mobiles were kept in cl ose proximity with Wi-Fi enabled also the laptops were downloading and uploading data continuously during the time of exposure to max the radiations[2]. The samples were placed in close range of all laptops, router and mobiles; the distance between samples and Wi-Fi sources was about 1-2 inches. DNA FRAGMENTATION TEST (SCD): Then DNA fragmentation or Sperm chromatin dispersion test was carried out on all samples to check the percentage of DNA fragmentations in samples exposed for 90 minutes (1 ½ hour) and samples exposed for 180 minutes (3 hours) and these outcomes were compared with control samples (sample which was not subjected Wi-Fi or any other factor which will affect sperm). The solidified agarose gel tubes were boiled in water using the float at about 90 0C – 100 0C for 2 minutes so that the gel in the tube liquefies and then cool down the tubes at 37 0C for 5 minutes. Then 40  µ liter of semen sample from control samples was added and mixed with liquefied agarose gel tube, similarly 40  µ liter of semen sample from first test sample (Wi-Fi for 90 minutes) was obtained and was mixed with second agarose gel eppendroff. Again 40  µ liter of sample from second test sample (Wi-Fi for 180 minutes) was extracted and mixed with third agarose gel eppendroff. These 3 tubes represent the con trol and test sample suspensions respectively. Three pre coated slides were used to study and compare between 1 control sample (not exposed to Wi-Fi) and 2 test samples with varying periods of exposure to radiations. Then 150  µ liter of suspension from control tube was obtained with micropipette and placed on the coated slide and was covered with a cover slip. Similarly 150  µ liter of suspension from first test sample was obtained with micropipette and placed on second slide and was covered with cover slip. Again 150  µ liter of suspension from second test sample was obtained and placed on the third coated slide. These 3 slides were prepared simultaneously, air bubbles were avoided and the slides were transferred to a fridge to maintain the temperature around 40C–80C for 5 minutes. This step helps in solidification of gel on the slide. Then after 5 minutes, slides were obtained from fridge and the cover slips from the 3 slides were removed carefully such that gel inte grity is not affected. Then the slides were placed on even surface and was overlaid with 1 ml of acid denaturant each and was incubated at 22 0C for about 7 minutes and the solution was drained completely after 7 minutes. Then next step was to overlay 1 ml of lysis solution each on all 3 slides and was incubated for 20 minutes at room temperature. After 20 minutes the lysis solution was drained completely. Lysis solution possesses a pungent odor. Then all 3 slides were washed in slanting position with 20 ml distilled water with help of syringe or a dropper. In the next step all the 3 slides were sequentially dehydrated using dehydrating solution 1, 2, and 3 provided in the kit. Then the slides were allowed to air dry for few minutes. In this time period working stain was prepared using stain solution and stain dilution buffer. Working Stain was prepared by taking 400  µ liter of stain solution and mixing it with 100  µ liter of stain dilution buffer in a dilution tube. So for 3 slides the stain was prepared 3 times. This working stain must be used within 1 hour of preparation. After air drying all 3 slides, 200 -300  µ liter of working stain was overlaid each on all 3 slides representing control and test slides respectively. Then the slides were rocked by tilting in to and fro directions for 3 minutes to maintain even distribution of stain over the slide. After 3 minutes the slides were washed by dipping and moving in a couplin jar or a beaker filled with tap water. Then the slides were kept in slanting position to air dry. This marks the end to the procedure for making sperm DNA fragmentation slides of both control and test samples. Sperm DNA fragmentation was calculated by formula: 100 X (Number of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA)/ (Total number of spermatozoa counted) [3]. More than 500 spermatozoa per ejaculate were evaluated for estimation of sperm DNA fragmentation [3]. This study took around 25 days for completion (6th January – 31st Januar y, 2015). RESULTS: Normal Semen analysis of 12 samples before exposing it to Wi-Fi radiations showed motility percentage around (72  ± 4.18) and after exposure to radiations for 90 minutes the motility rate decreased to about (65  ± 3.2) and the samples exposed to 180 minutes showed further decrease in motility percent which ranged (56  ± 2.89). Similarly vitality percentage of all 33 sperm samples before exposure was about (71  ± 4.07) and after exposure for 90 minutes it shifted to (61  ± 5.78). And also samples exposed for 180 minutes indicated a decrease in vitality ranging from (48  ± 7.98). Morphology defects due to radiations were prominent when compared to the samples not exposed to Wi-Fi. Defective mid piece and several head defects were significant in test samples. On the other hand ph was not affected by radiations and was in the range of 7.2 -8.0 for both test and control samples before and after exposure. Table I. showing differences in sperm motility as the time duration of radiation exposure increased: I. A chart showing motility percentages Table II. Showing differences in sperm vitality as the time duration of radiation exposure increases: II. A chart showing vitality percentages. The principle of DNA fragmentation test lies in dispersion of a characteristic halos, which indicates the status of the spermatozoa. If a big halo is dispersed then the DNA of the sperm is not fragmented. On the other hand when small halo is dispersed by a sperm then it is on the verge of fragmentation/degradation and also when no halo is dispersed by sperm then it is a sign of fragmented DNA or the entire sperm is degraded [4]. DNA fragmentation test also known as sperm chromatin dispersion test was carried out for all 12 samples and the slides were observed under bright field microscope, it was revealed that the samples exposed to Wi-Fi radiations showed high percentages of DNA fragmentation. Whereas Sperm samples unexposed to Wi-Fi radiations showed fewer fragmentations. Fragmentation percentages of unexposed samples were in the range of (10  ± 5.11).Test samples exposed to Wi-Fi radiations for 90 minutes revealed (23  ± 6.1) of DNA fragmentations. On the other hand, samples e xposed to Wi-Fi radiations for 180 minutes showed (34  ± 7.04) of DNA fragmentation. Table III. Showing levels of DNA fragmentations caused due to Wi-Fi radiations: III. A chart showing percentage of DNA fragmentation in sperms. CONCLUSION: From the study conducted above it was discovered that Wi-Fi radiations had detrimental effects on sperm motility, vitality and morphology. Semen analysis of 12 samples proved that sperm motility was greatly reduced as the time of exposure to Wi-Fi radiations was increased. Morphological defects in head and mid piece were noticeable after comparing exposed and unexposed samples using bright field microscope and staining the slides with Giemsa stain. Analysis and calculations of DNA fragmentation caused by radiations revealed that the percentage of fragmentation also increased with increase in time of exposure to Wi-Fi. So from the findings mentioned above it was clear that Wi-Fi radiations from laptops and mobiles could cause damaging effects to sperms and could degrade their ability to stay motile and fertilize the egg. DISCUSSION: There is a rapid progress in fields such as electronics and telecommunication, computers etc making mankind smart and advance. First programmable computer was made by Charles Babbage in 1830’s. And later giant computer named â€Å"ENIAC†was built by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania. Now in 21st century with advancement in technology, a new era of computers and laptops have emerged which are much smaller in size and are portable with wireless fidelity also known as Wi-Fi .It was long known that Wi-Fi radiations had the potential to impair sperm’s ability to function properly and could reduce the fertility of men habituated to use laptop and mobile Wi-Fi for long periods of time and almost every day. This experiment was a recreation of the situation in which sperms get exposed to radiations when an individual works on his laptop or mobile with Wi-Fi enabled. However, this was an artificial way to map the effects of radiations on sperms in vitro. In in vivo, effects of radiations must be much different than the results obtained when performed in vitro. The layers of testes acts as protective covering which absorbs much of the radiations and shields sperms from the devastating effects of radiations but only to some extent where as in in vitro there was not enough biological protection to sperm samples and were little more susceptible to the radiations. The samples placed in tubes were exposed to radiations by keeping the sample tubes in a closed cabin near the router of the Wi-Fi and several laptops (hp, dell and Acer) and mobiles (NOKIA, Samsung) were kept in close proximity (1-2 inches) with Wi-Fi enabled (3G) and also the laptops were downloading and uploading data continuously during the time of exposure to max out the radiations [2]. Samples were not placed beneath the laptop to avoid getting a combined effect of heat and Wi-Fi radiations on sperms because the study was purely about radiations and no t heat + radiations. However, keeping samples beneath laptop with Wi-Fi would mimic a person keeping laptop on his lap. But other factors such as heat would also contribute in DNA fragmentation which was undesirable in this study. It was possible to place the samples beneath the laptop with air conditioner turned on to maintain the temperature under the laptop as equal to room temperature (25-27 0C) even if the laptop generates heat [2]. But In this study, we completely eliminated the chance or risk of other factors which would influence the results. The study was focused only on effect of radiations. The results of this study were quite intimidating. From studies conducted around the world it is scientifically proven that laptops generating heat and Wi-Fi generating radiations for longer periods of time can affect fertility of men and mobiles or cell phones will do the same.[2][5][6][7][8][9][10]. So it is advisable to minimize the time span for usage of Wi-Fi and the connection mu st be disabled/turned off when not in use avoiding radiations and also laptops must be kept on working desks or tables during the use, avoiding the excess heat emitted by laptops which comes in close contact with testes or pelvis area. AKNOWLEDGEMENT: This material is based on the work supported by the Stem cure private ltd, centre for reproductive medicine and stem cell development, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India; authors want to say thanks to, Mrunmayee Pande and Ramesh Parmar for assistance, Madhuri Patel for helpful input, Sejal Patel for technical support. Words are inadequate in offering thanks to the entire team of stem cure for encouragement and co-operation in carrying out the research and allowing the use of lab facilities. Authors would also like to thank D.Y. Patil University, school of biotechnology and bioinformatics, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, India. REFERENCES: [1] WHO. (1999). Laboratory manual for examination of human semen and spermcervical mucus interactions (4 ed.). Cambridge, East Anglia, United kingdom: Canmbridge university press. [3] Akira Komiya, T. K. (2014, august 4). Clinical Factors Associated with Sperm DNA Fragmentation in Male Patients with Infertility. (A. E. Calogero, Ed.) The scientific world journal, 2014, 11.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Business Research Report
Social media, dating sites and shopping sites all use given registration information to learn more about consumers. The more companies know about people, the better they can decide who their potential customers should be and how to reach them. Social media is communication through online communities. The use of social media in marketing has become very popular over the last few years. This is a very effective way to promote content by increased visibility. Using these platforms also allows for more involvement with the customers to build more trusting relationships with them.Customer relationship management refers to software that records and analyzes all kinds of useful data. This info can be obtained in many different says by either the company or a third party. It is used to understand the customers and their buying habits. We recommend opening a Faceable and Twitter account, using those accounts to hyper target and creating a CRM database. We chose these specific technologies bec ause they are fairly simple to implement and would be the most helpful for our company. Introduction The purpose of this report is to review and analyze new information technologies that can assist with marketing in the company.As of this year, there are over 950 companies that provide marketing software (Brinier 2014). Everyday, marketing professionals are looking for new ways to grow their business and technology has changed the way they reach new customers. These days, it's all about the customers and what they want and because they have access to pretty much everything, marketers have to find a way to get their attention. It is estimated that people spend about 1 1 hours a day using some form of technology (Patronize 2014). Knowing this, traditional marketing just isn't enough anymore.If companies want to keep up with consumers, they must keep up With technology. With all of the technology available for use, companies can have so much information at their fingertips. Out of all of the possibilities, we chose to examine social media, hyper targeting and customer relationship management (CRM) because we think those will work best for the company. Social media is very low cost and will allow us to reach a much bigger audience. We can engage the audience and build relationships with them this way. Hyper targeting will be used to identify potential customers and reach them more efficiently.This ensures that the people we advertise to are more likely to be interested in what we have to offer. Having a CRM database would low easy access to all of our information about our customers. This information can be used in anyway that our company sees fit. Hyper Targeting Hyper targeting is defined as the ability to identify potential consumers and deliver targeted advertising content. History The phrase â€Å"Hyper Targeting†was actually coined by Namespace (Gold, 2009). Namespace discovered that they could target consumers for ads based on the information provid ed in users' registration and profiles.This information might include age, sex, geographic region, education, favorite movies, entertainment, restaurants, etc. Namespace discovered that because of the large numbers of registered users, they could target very specific user interests and still reach large numbers of people. Today, dating sites, social media sites and other sites that require user registration and other â€Å"self- expressed†user information all make use of hyper targeting. Hyper Targeting with Twitter and Faceable The social media sites Twitter and Faceable both make heavy use of hyper targeting.A company advertising on Twitter can target every Twitter user who has specific words in their public bio, or someone who uses particular words often in tweets, or someone who follows certain verified other retailers. Businesses can also create a user list using those specifications and show that group â€Å"promoted nets†(Smith, 2014). Faceable allows advertis ers to target users by age, SeX, language, location, workplace, education, interests, browsing history and more, with different ads for different populations.Advertisers can even display ads in different languages, depending on whom they have hyper targeted (Albacore, 2011 Mobile Hyper Targeting Advertisers may target mobile device users based on the location Of the user, via a number of methods. Users' locations can be estimated based on their IP address, but this method is not always accurate. A more accurate approach is to use the GAPS coordinates that the user has chosen to share with certain mobile applications. Once the users location is known, advertising may be targeted based on proximity to a particular place (I. E. The city center), or based on proximity to a particular retail outlet.Advertisers may also presume that users have a particular interest based on their location (I. E. If they are at a hockey game, perhaps they like sports), and target advertising accordingly (K ombi, 2013). Analysis Hyper targeting can be used to identify potential customers based on relevant criteria and deliver advertising to them. Hyper targeting may limit the size of the advertising audience, but the â€Å"targeted†consumers are much more likely to respond to the advertising. Hyper targeting is relevant to our company because it can help us determine who our customers are and/or should be, and it can help us reach them more efficiently.Social Media Social media, as most know, is a form Of electronic communication through online communities. According to Pew Research (2014), 90% of adults ages 8-29 use social media, which has made it a very popular way to market over the last few years. Social media is used to promote and inform, gain valuable feedback and build relationships with customers. Promotion Twitter and Faceable are often used for promotion and are very effective (and free). Customers look on these pages for all kinds of information about companies and social media is a fast and simple way to keep them updated.A company can invite people to like their page and share their posts and just like that, millions of people could be exposed to the content. The global average of a share on a social networking site is $3. 0 (Meyer-Brandt 2014). This is how much money the company makes due to increased visibility from each share of their content. Engaging Social media platforms are a great way for businesses to engage and build relationships with customers. This is now one of the fastest ways to communicate with people. Because it allows for two-way communication, where television and radio don't, it is much easier to engage people.Companies can ask for people's opinions with new projects and encourage them to share their content. Getting them to participate in voting, contests and provide feedback can help the company be more transparent to the public. Responding to questions and comments can make customer service experiences better. Analy sis With social media being such a big part of society these days, there isn't really a better way to market one's business or product. This is important to us because we can reach a bigger audience to share information about our company with than we could using most other avenues.Social media marketing is usually free and will allow us to build relationships with our â€Å"followers†and involve them. The more involved they are, the better and more trusting relationships we have with them. Those relationships will lead o better experiences for our customers, who will spread the word and bring more business to us. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be defined as a strategy used to record and manage data and interactions with customers. This strategy usually involves using some kind of software that saves and analyzes data.Information The information collected could be contact info, demographic and complete transaction history. Su rveys could be given to customers to find out what they like and don't like. One method used to obtain information is to offer a shopping/loyalty card. Giving rewards and discounts to customers will encourage them to sign up, which is when they will provide some of their info. Some companies also use a third party to connect people to account numbers and credit cards. How it's used The information can be used in many ways to help improve marketing.The idea is to understand the relationship between the company and the customer with their buying habits. All of the info that is recorded over time and through each and every customer interaction is saved in a database and is used to target customer's specific needs. So, now it is easier to market the eight product to the right person for the right price. Implementing a CRM system can be very beneficial to the company. This is the fastest growing marketing tool in the last five years (Reardon 2011 All Of our information involving customer s would be in one organized database.The marketing team would then have easy access to all of the info and use it as they see fit. Having this knowledge, marketers would be able to find more qualified customers, making the time spent doing so more valuable. This would save the company time and keep us from wasting money on marketing to the wrong people. Recommendations Our company, like others, relies on sales for profit. It is recommended that we take measures to increase those sales by implementing the findings. The first thing we should do is make a Faceable and Twitter account.We can designate people to administer these accounts, keep them updated and get people interested in our company. We should then, use our social media accounts to hyper target. There are various software programs to choose from or we can let Faceable and Twitter do all of that for us. Lastly, we should decide what information we want to use in a CRM database; what info ill be most helpful to our company. T hen, we need to decide if we want to create our own database or if we want to pay a third party to do collect the information for us.These findings are important because they will help our company advance in marketing, which is likely to lead to higher sales. Social media is a fast and easy way to reach the most people. It permits us to communicate and engage existing and potential customers. We can also use these platforms to hyper target our content. Hyper targeting will help us by advertising to the people who are most likely to respond, getting the most out of our marketing. Creating a customer relationship management database will contain all of our customer's information.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Free Education in Europe
HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Free Education in Europe Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. o. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. European (Scandinavian) countries have a tradition to provide free education. Initially all the education programs were available in local language. Since last few years, when they realized the importance of internationalization, they started offering programs in English also. Now majority of their Master degree programs are available in English as well as a few of their Bachelor programs are also available in English. European (Scandinavian) countries have a tradition to provide free education.Initially all the education programs were available in local language. Since last few years, when they realized the importance of internationalization, they started offering programs in English also. Now majority of their Master degree programs are available in English as well as a few of their Bachelor programs are also available in English. We have several programs like PhD, Masters, Bachelors in various subjects like Arts, BioTech, Sciences, Commerce, Chemistry, Business, Design, IT, Management, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science, Physics, Earth Agriculture, Health Sciences etc. vailable in countries like Germany / Sweden/ Norway / Belgium / France etc. These programs are available for Free (No Tuition Fee) or at a very subsidized fee structure and the medium of instructions is English. The standard duration for all Master degree programs are 2 years, Bachelors are for 3 years. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization.Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Advantages There are many advantages available in Europe comparing to US/ Canada/ Australia etc. apart from free study programs like: Schengen Visa Liberty to, move around almost entire Europe without Visa constraints. English Advantage All MNC's working there or European MNC's, working in English speaking countries always prefer employees who can speak English. Extended Visa You get a 1 year extension after completion of your studies to find employment.Employment Opportunities All these countries are prime business nations and facing negative population growt h, so chances of getting employment after studies are even higher than US/ India/ Aus / Canada. Work Permit Secure an Employment & immediately get a 3 yrs work permit. Safe & Secure Most of these countries have a crime rate of almost zero. Prosperity These countries have almost 100% literacy as well as per capita income higher than even US. Credentials, ECTS & Education Standards All the qualifications are world-wide recognized and acceptable. All European syllabuses are now based on ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).One can change Universities without losing credits. European standards are very high and their integration of Education with practical application are very advantageous. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Advantages There are many advantages a vailable in Europe comparing to US/ Canada/ Australia etc. apart from free study programs like:Development Most of these countries are technologically very advanced and their infrastructures are better than the best. Living Indian students can find it cheaper than US/ Canada/ UK if they stay in groups & prepare own food. Part time work At most places part time work is allowed up to 20 hrs/ week. Permanent Settlement Settlement options are possible at most European Countries after completion of a certain period on Work Permit. No SAT/ GRE / GMAT SAT / GRE/ GMAT are not required for most of the programs. Although, IELTS or TOEFL is desired for most of the English programs. Language – Drawback or another Advantage?Almost every country in Europe has it’s own language, which takes some time to understand. One can take this as an opportunity to learn a new language. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart Living Expenses An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Indian students who live in groups and prepare their own food can survive in Euro 300 to Euro 500 per month. Students who live independently may have to spend Euro 500 to Euro 750 per month. Why Study in Sweden / Germany?No Tuition Fees for most courses. Now many courses are available in English. Internship opportunities are available in Multi National Companies. All courses are recognized worldwide including India. Flexible approaches to studies. Schenegen visa opens the doors for all European countries. Great opportunity to save money. No Visa Hassles. Visa Conditions are relatively very easy. Very low living expenses (approx. 300 Euro/ month) Part Time Jobs are available. (up to 20 hrs. / week) Good career prospects, ample placement opportunities. Hundreds of course options available. Ph. D. opportunities are availa ble after PG.All Universities in German, Sweden, Finland, France, Belgium, Norway are almost equally ranked & the courses have recognition worldwide. Fields of study †¢Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Aeronautical, Automobile & many more) †¢MBA (Finance, International Business, European Asian Bus. Mgmt, Supply Chain Mgmt. ) †¢Public Health, Medical Engineering, Medicine †¢Environmental Science, Bio Technology †¢Economics, Law †¢Natural Sciences †¢Social & Cultural Studies, Psychology †¢Agricultural & Forestry, Regional Planning Note : MBA & some other programs are normally paid programs or available in German Language.Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart Entry requirements for admission Minimum First Division Marks English Proficiency: TOEFL (213) or IELTS (6. 0) Language Proficiency for Un dergraduate Programs First come first serve basis Documents requirement for application (10 sets) Updated Resume Photographs (10 nos. ) Transcripts (Final year) Mark sheets (10th onwards) An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Letter of recommendations (2/3)Certificates / Diploma / Degree (10th onwards) -Original-sealed & stamped -Notarized Photocopies -Notarized Photocopies -On letterhead (Original-sealed TOEFL / GRE / GMAT Score cards (if available) Other Academic Photocopies (if any) Final year Project summary (for Engineers) Work Experience Certificates (if any) Monthly Living Expenses Food Accommodation Health Insurance Transport etc. Total monthly expenses Earning Potential Work allowed Minimum per hour wages Loans – & stamped by individual faculty/ employer) -Notarized Photocopies -Notarized Photocopies -Computer Printout -Notarized Photocopies 00 Euros / month 150 Euros / month (sharing basis) 50 Euros / mont h 50 Euros / month 400 Euros approx. 20 hrs / week 6 –8 euros Can be availed from nationalized banks @ 10. 75% to 12. 00% p. a. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. Highlights Students can travel in and around the European Union on the Schengen Visa. Students can stay for 1 year (or 2 years) after their course of study to find work.European Union’s new policy encourages Indian manpower for Immigration. Education standards are at par with World’s best education standards. European Institutions funds all prospective research scholars. HeadStart – Germany / Sweden / Belgium / Norway – Education Package 1. Counseling for Course Selection 2. Professional Counseling for Future prospects 3. Application to Universities (3 to 10) 4. Docu ment arrangement for Application 5. Guidance for preparing SOP, Resume, LOR 6. Visa File Preparation, Assistance & Guidance 7. Assistance to avail Study Loan, Medical Insurance, International Bank A/c. Air Ticket, Foreign Currency 8. Post Landing Services (Subject to availability) 9. IELTS/ TOEFL Coaching Program* 10. GRE/ GMAT Training Program* 11. German/ Swedish/ Italian/ French Language Training* Under Graduate Programs Under Graduate Programs (English Medium) Under Graduate Programs (Medical) Master’s / Diploma Programs MBA / Masters (English Medium) Programs Ph. D. Programs :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 3000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 3000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) :Euro 2000 (1 Euro = INR 60) * We charge Euro 1000 as Advance payment for all programs. Training / Coaching Fees not included. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headsta rt. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. FAQ on Education in Germany / Europe – General †¢ What are the different types of Universities in Europe? For studying in Europe can choose between universities and universitystatus institutions, such as the technical universities, or the Fachhochschule institutions, or the colleges of art, music and film.All state-maintained higher education institutions are open to students of all nations. Which European Universities are Reputed? Its a difficult to answer this question, there is no specific ranking system. Some magazines like Spiegel in Germany publish university ratings every year, the other one I know is from HUMBOLDT. †¢ When is the deadline for applying? There are two semesters Winter & Summer. So, depending on the University the session either in winter or summer. Hence plan to apply before one year of your desired starting time. à ¢â‚¬ ¢ How much is the Tuition fee?Until now there was no tuition fee in Germany/ Sweden / Norway/ Belgium/ Finland, now government and universities have decided to collect tuitions fees (some Universities still have no tuition fees at all) varying from 500 Euros till 2500 Euros per semester depending on course, university etc. So please check respective universities for complete information. Normally, Under Graduate English medium programs carry a tuition fee ranging between Euro 2000 to Euro 12000 p. a. †¢ Do I need TOEFL or GRE Score? Usually not, but some universities may ask TOEFL/ IELTS for English competence.However, GMAT / GRE are generally not required. What is the medium of Instruction? It can be in English or in German. Mostly, undergraduate programs are in German Language. But at PG level, most programs are now available in English. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart HeadStart An ISO 9000:2001 Certified Organization. Member of NAFSA, EAIE Sent over 1500 students since 2001. †¢ Do I need German / Swedish / French language?If not for education (depending on whether medium of instruction is in Regional Language or English) for social life I believe one should definitely learn basic Regional language. †¢ Where do I learn German / French / Swedish language? It is always advisable to study German Language in Germany as it is easier and faster to grasp the language there. HeadStart arranges language training (paid) to all students. †¢ How much is the living expenses? Depending on the city the costs vary though on an average 400-500 Euros per month should be sufficient. 200 – 250 Euros House Rent + 60 Euros Insurance + 100 Euros Food + 50 Misc. ). The figures given are rough estimate it can vary depending on the city / person etc. †¢ Can I work as a Student? Yes, up to 18 /20 hours per week, and up to 2 months full time Including doing 3 months full time job as a student per year. But one needs to get work permit for working as a student. Part time student job fetches about 8 to 10 Euro per hour. Ahmedabad : 079-30179032, 30172039, 99740 35372 Jaipur : 0141 2378982, 237899 Email : [email protected] co. in Web: www. headstart. co. in HeadStart
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Management of Diversity - 1058 Words
MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSITY WITHIN AN ORGANIZATION Written and presented by: Tyson Johnson Charles Bushell Kori Greaves Introduction When most people envision diversity, the first things which come to mind are age, sexual orientation, race and gender. In Workforce America! Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource, diversity is defined as: â€Å"otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups.†â€Å"The dimensions of diversity are further expanded but not limited to: age, ethnicity, gender, race, physical abilities/qualities, sexual orientation, education, geographical location, income, marital status, religion, work†¦show more content†¦Diversity introduces many struggles including trying to maintain a balanced environment for employees. One must accept the fact that there is life outside of the workplace regardless of timelines and working hours. Families must be attended to, social activity to be maintained. It is up to management to forge a bridge between work and personal life in such a way that productivity is still maintained at a high level but with minimal stress. * The introduction of after work care for children of staff, will allow staff to continue to work outside of normal working hours but still be able to take care of their children. * Staff parties or outings are always a good idea to address the need for social interaction. This also gives worke rs a chance to understand different cultures and personalities of their colleagues. * Religious beliefs, and sexual orientations must be accepted and care taken to respect them. Prejudice and harassment free organization: The main problem realized with diversity is discrimination which comes in many forms. There should be a zero-tolerance policy with relation to prejudice or harassment of any kind. Regardless of race or culture or gender, each employee was hired for a particular set of skills or envisioned potential they could offer to the organization and they should be allowed to display and hone them. Discrimination breeds separation and breakdowns inShow MoreRelatedThe Diversity And Cultural Diversity Management1634 Words  | 7 PagesïÆ'Ëœ Which advantages do Cultural Diversity and Cultural Diversity Management have ? The complexity of the current economic climate demands creative and innovative business approaches and presents the opportunity for growth in developing markets by addressing unexpected or counter-intuitive consumer needs. 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In a study of 645 firms, 74% of the respondents were concerned about diversity, and of these about one-third felt that diversity effected corporateRead MoreDiversity Management1955 Words  | 8 PagesManaging Diversity* July 2009 Creating competitive advantage through cultural dexterity Highlights †¢ Cultural dexterity is a business skill that enables effective collaboration and communication among people across multiple dimensions of diversity. †¢ Collaboration within a group of diverse people, who approach problems from different perspectives, improves corporate performance. †¢ The environment a company creates can enableâ€â€or impede the success of its employees. †¢ Leaders are personally accountableRead MoreDiversity Analysis : Diversity Management Essay1040 Words  | 5 PagesDiversity Journal Diversity Management is the Key to Growth: Make it Authentic (Glenn Llopis, June 13, 2010) Article Summary: In the current fierce competitive global market, diversity management remains critically advantageous if any firm should make progress. Organizations must integrate diversity in their thoughts, actions and innovations. Diversity in organizations goes beyond making numbers to how people are treated in relation to its business model. It’s a time-sensitive necessity inRead MoreDiversity Management2939 Words  | 12 PagesAbstract Although the advantage of managing diversity has been acknowledged by a number of researches and most managers in organizations, the practices of diversity used to be ignored or be inadequate. In Australia, the concepts of managing diversity have been introduced for more than two decades, whereas the overall performance is just about mediocre. This paper attempted to research the challenges accompanied by the introduction of diversity programs and to recommend solutions of thoseRead MoreManagement : Management Careers And Diversity Essay1744 Words  | 7 PagesManagement Careers and Diversity Introduction Ongori and Agolla (2007) state that managing workforce diversity in an organization is a complex phenomenon. They suggest that with the current organizational transformations being implemented across the globe, management of workforce diversity cannot be downplayed. Diversity in the workforce is based on the acknowledgement of the reality that people are different in more than one way, mainly in terms of culture and ethnicity, personality, religionRead MoreManagement Of Equality And Diversity1117 Words  | 5 PagesBe able to influence the management of equality and diversity in own area of responsibility. The table below highlights the observations and evaluation that I have conducted for the implementation of the University’s launch of the Equality Diversity Framework. The observation includes suggested actions and a timeframe on areas where I could influence or have responsibility and authority to change. The University implementation plan was to deliver the strategy through the development of a strategicRead MoreDiversity Management Strategies913 Words  | 4 PagesDiversity management strategies IBM diversity management within the work place As explained by John (2011) IBM is the one of the biggest multinational company they are hires more than 400,000 employees over 200 countries. They recruit scientists, sales professionals, consultants and engineers. Even in the department level there are various background peoples working together for achieve common goal. So the managing several background employees are very important to increase productivity and team
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