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Truman’s Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II †Free Samples
Question: Examine about the Trumans Decision To Bomb Japan In World War II. Answer: Presentation: The bombs were created by and ...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee - 1708 Words
The ReMotion Prosthetic Knee ReMotion is a project created by D-Rev (Design Revolution), a not for profit organization working in third world countries, which creates and supplies prosthetic knees to amputees living on under $4 a day (Krista Donaldson, 2013). One of the company’s major constraints when designing the knee revolved around creating a product that performed at a standard equivalent to the high end prosthetic knees, but at a cost that was affordable and allowed for mass production. The project has been running since 2009 (Krista Donaldson, 2013) and over five and a half thousand amputees have since been fitted with the ReMotion knee, with the third version being made publicly available mid 2014 (‘A Cheap Prosthetic Knee For†¦show more content†¦It can also involve making sketches of a product, recording data, computing that data to ensure it matches with specifications, analyzing results and writing reports. Designing products is additional part of the specific engineering disci pline. This however is likely to a small component compared to the testing and eliminating of production problems aspect. Major decisions would have to be decided on and resolved throughout the process of designing and implementing the knee. Part of D-Rev’s design ideal revolved around creating a high-end prosthetic knee that could be produced at a lower cost. Previous cheap alternatives for prosthetic joints and limbs greatly traded efficiency for a lower cost. While D-Rev would have aimed to avoid this trade-off between quality and cost, it is likely to remain imbalanced. Of course, the quality could have been lifted to a higher standard, but the cost would have been raised too, thus defeating their purpose of making a quality and cheap product. Another major decision revolved around maintaining quality with a simplistic design. By keeping everything straightforward, it allows for easy fitting and repairing of the joints without extensive training. While this may decrease the quality, it increases the practically as it takes lower qualifications to fit the product to the amputee and can easily occur in their home country. The
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Persuasive Speech on Recycling
Can I Make the World Better? You wake up and have breakfast of yoghurt in a plastic bottle, and some food in plastic wrap. Then the bottle and the wrap go into the bin. After this, you clean your room and throw away all the old handouts, as you like your desk to be neat and tidy. It takes not more than half an hour, but this time is enough for ten trees to be cut down as well as one hundred plastic bottles and more than one thousand meters of plastic wrap to be produced. Unfortunately, it will take more than one hundred and fifty years for a new tree to grow and for a single plastic bottle to dissolve. The solution is recycling. Substitute plastic with recyclable materials and use paper, metal and glass efficiently and you will contribute greatly to the creation of sustainable environment. I can foresee several arguments due to which you can object to recycling, but if given a bit of consideration, they will prove to be groundless. Recycling procedures are tiresome and difficult to remember, arent they? Not a bit. There are several simple sorting rules that you will learn as soon as you start following them. Is a little mental effort not worth making if it means you do something important for the whole planet? â€Å"Buying food in recyclable packaging is more expensive†, you will contradict. No, it isnt. When you bring bottles to a bottle bank, you get your money back and actually save, helping the environment. Many supermarkets also introduce environmentally friendly schemes, selling food in cartons at reduced prices. All you have to do is a little research to find the right shopping place. Recycling is the way to help our planet and save it for next generations. And this is something that each of you can do. Just try and you will see the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146 Free Essays
SONNET 146 Poor soul, the center of my sinful earth, Lord of these rebel powers that thee array, Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth, Painting thy outward walls so costly gay? Why so large cost, having so short a lease, Dost thou upon thy fading mansion spend? Shall worms, inheritors of this excess, Eat up thy charge? is this thy body’s end? Then soul, live thou upon thy servant’s loss, And let that pine to aggravate thy store; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And death once dead, there’s no more dying then. Sonnet 146, as in all Shakespearean sonnets, exemplifies the importance of poem structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Following the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, this English sonnet (now called Shakespearean), distinguishes its author by the format in which it follows. Consisting of a total of fourteen lines, this body of this poem contains three quatrains and ends with a rhyming couplet. Not only does Sonnet 146 encompass all the necessities of a Shakespearean sonnet, it also displays William Shakespeare’s mastery in his use of control of language, tone, and meaning that is portrayed to the reader. In the opening of the poem, in quatrain one, we see the speaker as he wrestles with his own personal conflict between the spiritual and material state that he has found himself in. For here in this Shakespearean sonnet, the speaker addresses not a friend, lover, or mistress – only his own â€Å"poor soul†that has suddenly been placed at the center of his â€Å"sinful earth†(line 1). The speaker reprimands his soul for spending so much on its â€Å"outward walls†(line 4). In quatrain two, the poet asks the question of why so much effort is put into the investing of the things that are temporary: â€Å"Why so large cost, having so short a lease†(line 5). For at death, only worms will inherit the costly excesses. In quatrain three, the speaker concludes his argument by warning his soul to use the body as â€Å"thy servant†(line 9). Let the outside wither -â€Å"pine†- so that the inner soul can prosper -â€Å"aggravate thy store†(line 10). In conclusion, the rhyming couplet shows us the speaker’s only solution to this inevitable fact of life – death. The soul needs to prepare itself for when the time comes and it must face death. For the soul can outlive the body, and even conquer death, as we see in line 13 and 14: â€Å"So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men / And Death once dead, there’s no more dying then. â€Å" This sonnet is one of few written by Shakespeare that reflects a more religious tone, as the words sinful, divine, and soul are present. What an interesting insight this provides to the reader about the writer’s own potential internal struggle with morality. For just as the speaker asserts here in this poem, so too us true for us in our own Christian faith – that when we focus on the body (the temporary) by allowing ourselves to worry over the adorning of it, then we do so at the expense of our soul (the eternal). How to cite Shakespearean Sonnet Explication Sonnet 146, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Financial Analysis & Business Valuation-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Recast the Financial Statements in Standardised format. 2.What accounting policies of Qantas are likely to be closely monitored by analysts? Why? 3.Note 22(b) details Operating Lease Commitments entered into by Qantas. Following the process outlined in Chapter 4, prepare a worksheet identifying Accounting adjustments on the assumption that these lease commitments are to be capitalised Answers: 1.Standardized Balance Sheet: Standard classification Typical line items Amount $M Standard classification Typical line items Amount $M Assets Liabilities and equity Cash and Marketable Securities Cash 1,980 Current debt Trade receivables Accounts receivables 795 Trade payables Accounts payables 1,986 Inventory Inventory 336 Other current liabilities Revenue received in advance 3,525 Interest-bearing liabilities 441 Other current assets Other financial assets 229 Other financial liabilities 203 Others 101 Provisions 873 Assets classified as held for sale 17 Non-current debt Non-current tangible assets Plant, property and equipment Land 11,670 Deferred tax liability Non - current intangible assets Non - current intangible assets 909 Other non-current liabilities Revenue received in advance 1,521 Deferred tax asset 39 Interest-bearing liabilities 4,421 Other financial liabilities 61 Other non-current assets Investments 197 Provisions 414 Other financial assets 46 Minority interest 5 Receivables 134 Other 252 Shareholders' equity Issued capital 3,625 Treasury shares (50) Retained earnings (100) Reserves (220) TOTAL 16,705 TOTAL 16,705 Standardized Income Statement: Standard Classification Typical Line Items Amount Sales Revenues 16,200 Cost of Sales Manpower and staff related (3,849) Fuel (3,250) Selling, general and administrative (SGA) expenses Other operating expense Amortisation of intangibles (1,224) Aircraft operating variable (3,362) Non-cancellable aircraft operating lease rentals (461) Other (2,411) Net interest expense (income) Finance costs (284) Interest income 65 Investment income Other income Transfer of hedge reserve to the Consolidated Income Statement, net of tax 198 Net changes in hedge reserve for time value of options, net of tax 35 Foreign currency translation of controlled entities 2 Foreign currency translation of investments accounted for under the equity method 24 Other expense Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of tax (187) Recognition of effective cash flow hedges on capitalised assets, net of tax (40) Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for under the equity method (2) Defined benefit actuarial (losses)/gains, net of tax (209) Tax expense Income tax expense (395) Net comprehensive income for the period 850 Standardized Cash Flow Statement: Standard classification Typical line items Amount Operating cash flows (other than net finance costs) Under the direct method: Cash from customers 17,723 Payments to suppliers (14,600) Cash payments to employees for redundancies and related costs (90) Cash payments to employees for wage freeze bonus (53) Dividends received from investments accounted for under the equity method 4 Income taxes paid (2) Investing cash flows Payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (1,618) Payments for investments accounted for under the equity method (39) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 509 Net loan repayment from investments accounted for under the equity method 27 Aircraft operating lease refinancing (778) Interest paid and capitalised on qualifying assets (24) Net interest cost Interest received 64 Interest paid (227) Net debt issuance(net of repayments) Repayments of borrowings (807) Net receipts/(payments) for aircraft security deposits and hedges related to debt 62 Dividends Cash dividends paid on ordinary shares Net issuance of shares (net of repurchases) Payments for capital return (505) Payments for share buy-back (500) Payments for treasury shares (75) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Flow (929) Cash Cash Equivalent at the beginning of the year 2,908 Effects of Exchange rate changes on cash Equivalent 1 Cash Cash Equivalent at the end of the year 1,980 2.The following accounting policies of Qantas should be monitored very closely: a) Dividend Policy, b) Risk Management Policy, c) Inventory Policy, d) Foreign Exchange Policy 3. Adjustment Worksheet: Assets = Liabilities + Equity Adjustments Current Assets Non-Current Assets Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Net Income OCI Retained Earnings Other Equity 1 2,245 = 2,245 2 (427) = (427) 3 = 523 (523) 0 1,819 = 523 1,722 0 0 (427) 0 4 = (554) 554 5 = 163 (163) 6 = 165 (165) 0 1,819 = 523 1,722 (226) 0 (200) 0 7 63 = 63 0 Total 0 1,882 = 523 1,722 (163) 0 (200) 0 Reported 3,458 13,247 = 7,028 6,417 1,029 (179) (950) 3,360 Adjusted 3,458 15,129 = 7,551 8,139 866 (179) (1,150) 3,360 Workings: Computation of Discount Rate: Particulars Amount Amount Interest Expense 284 Interest Bearing Liabilities: Current 441 Non-Current 4421 4862 Discount Rate 5.84% Determination of Total Operating Lease: Particulars Aircraft Engines Non-Aircraft Total Spread Not Later than one year 366 188 554 554 Later than 1-5 years 952 503 1455 291 Later Than Five Years 187 187 Later than 5-10 years 320 320 64 Later than 10 years 367 64 TOTAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS 1505 1011 2883 973 Period Lease Payments Discount Rate Present Value 1 554 5.84% 523.4256 2 291 5.84% 259.7666 3 291 5.84% 245.4305 4 291 5.84% 231.8855 5 291 5.84% 219.0881 6 419 5.84% 298.0472 7 315 5.84% 211.7029 8 128 5.84% 81.27769 9 128 5.84% 76.7921 10 128 5.84% 72.55406 11 47 5.84% 25.17067 Total Lease Payments 2883 2245.141 Asset-to-Liabilities Ratio 81% Leased Asset 1818.564 Bibliography: Damodaran, A. (2016).Damodaran on valuation: security analysis for investment and corporate finance(Vol. 324). John Wiley Sons Masari, M., Gianfrate, G., Zanetti, L. (2014).The Valuation of Financial Companies: Tools and Techniques to Value Banks, Insurance Companies, and Other Financial Institutions. John Wiley Sons Mohammad, A. N. (2016). Valuation Tools for Determining the Value of Assets: A Literature Review.International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences,6(4), 63-72 Sadler, A., Daghestani, A., Payne, B. C. (2016). A Risk Return Profile and Ranking of the Determinants of the Enterprise Multiple.Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal,20(1), 93. Van Deventer, D. R., Imai, K., Mesler, M. (2013).Advanced financial risk management: tools and techniques for integrated credit risk and interest rate risk management. John Wiley Sons
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